Senza parole…. Lorenzo ha trovato il suo “vestito di carnevale”….
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Il bambino giraffa
December 11, 2023 // Posted in animals | No Comments
Visita al Kosmos sotterraneo
October 8, 2023 // Posted in animals, free time | No Comments
Al Kosmos ci siamo stati ormai parecchie volte. Le mostre cambiano, ma la sensazione di bellezza ci pervade sempre. Questa volta poi abbiamo addirittura visitato i sotteranei, interessantissimi.
We visited Kosmos many times, but it looks always different and fascinating. Today we also visited its underground…
Smart working estremo
March 10, 2023 // Posted in animals | No Comments
Quest’anno mi e’ capitato di fare call in auto, di tenere call dalla piscina (dove avevo accompagnato i bimbi) o dal campo di atletica, ma lavorare con un pavone che ti osserva e’ stata un’esperienza nuova. E divertente.
Smart working and flexibility allowed us to follow Lorenzo and Bea in their activities: I had call from the swimming pool or from the athletic tracks, but to work while a peacock is moving around you was a funny experience (while I managed to bring Bea to a birthday party….)
Di ritorno all’Oasi di Sant’Alessio
May 11, 2021 // Posted in animals, free time, friends | No Comments
All’Oasi di Sant’Alessio ci eravamo stati sette anni fa (vedi qui) e ci siamo tornati la scorsa domenica, in bici, assieme a Pietro e mamma Alessandra. Un altro segno di un lento ritorno alla normalita’, e sopratutto una domenica spensierata, in mezzo alla natura, e circondati dall’allegra eccitazione dei bimbi. Una bella domenica….
After seven years (see here) we visitied again the Oasi di Sant’Alessio, reaching it by bike, together with Pietro. The place is always beautiful, and Lorenzo, Bea and Pietro had a lot of fun playing together and looking at the varios animals living there. A beautiful Sunday…
Una domenica in campagna
September 26, 2017 // Posted in animals, friends | No Comments
Last Sunday, in the afternoon, we went to Pieve Albignola, to meet Paolo and his family. They live in a lovely place, with a big courtyard, full of interesting animals, starting from the two horses (Jack and Patty Lady) and including also rabbits, chickens and a sweet dog (Viola). Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot the place and the kindness of Isabella, who spent a lot of time playing with them… Chickens probably didn’t like too much the advent of Lorenzo and Bea…
Pranzo speciale
September 25, 2016 // Posted in animals, friends | 1 Comment
Il passaggio dall’Italia della mitica Dany e’ sempre occasione per rivedersi e riabbracciarsi (vedi qui, qui e qui). Quest’anno a Pavia ha fatto proprio toccata e fuga, per cui ci si e’ radunati da Carlo e Sara, per pranzare tutti assieme. Una sorta di rimpatriata tra compagni di liceo/universita’ (c’era anche Antonio) con l’eccezione, tra gli adulti, della componente maschile di casa sacchibelli. L’ospitalita’ di Carlo e Sara e’ stata eccezionale, sia per l’ottimo pranzo che per la disponibilita’ dimostrata. Dany ci e’ parsa in gran forma, e i 4 bimbetti (Anna e Giovanni da un lato, e Silvia e Lorenzo dall’altro) hanno di certo rallegrato ulteriormente la gia’ allegra compagnia. Carlo ci ha poi fatto visitare la sua azienda agricola, con l’impressionante numero di mucche e tutti gli altri animali. Un vero spettacolo per i grandi e per i piccoli. Inutile dire che Lorenzo e Bea sono rimasti letteralmente estasiati. Grazie a tutti per il bellissimo sabato. Sperando di rivederci tutti presto.
Usually our friend Dany, now living in Portland, comes back to Italy during the summer. This year she had only one day available to stop in Pavia, so she proposed to meet each other with all the other friends she usually visit: Carlo and Sara, and Antonio. Carlo and Sara were very kind, and they invited us at their place for a lovely lunch. Dany was feeling very well, and we spent together a great day. The sacchibelli babies played a lot with Anna and Giovanni, and we had a lot of fun visiting all the amazing animals in the Berettas farm. Thanks a lot to everyone for such a lovely experience. And we hope to meet you again soon…
Al polo sud?
December 14, 2015 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
Today we went at Museo di Storia Naturale, to participate to an event for children. The place is amazing, and although it could potentially be one of the best museum of natural history (but for sad reasons it is not possible to find the right place where to emphasize the beauty of the animals collection) it transmits at least a very impressive atmosphere. Here we found a beautiful giraffe, and the polar bear you can see close to Lorenzo and Anna. And many other interesting animals…. But this is just a little portion of the amazingly huge complete collection.
L’elefante di Napoleone
May 1, 2015 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
Today, walking through the center of our town, we met a big elephant… Obviously it was not alive, but it was stuffed. It is a gift from Napoleon to the University of Pavia, and after many years, it is now in exposition at the University. Lorenzo was really impressed. And I think that we will come back many times to meet it.
L’oasi di Sant’Alessio
August 31, 2014 // Posted in animals, Pavia | 1 Comment
Today, together with Luca, Chiara and Anna, we went at “Oasi di Sant’Alessio“, an amazing parc, full of birds, fishes and animals close to Pavia. We knew about it, but for some reason, we never visited it, and today we discovered that we were wrong. The parc is very attractive, and although today we had to spend some energy trying to “control” the exuberant Lorenzo and Anna, missing some detail, we came back home very enthusiastic, with the idea to visit it again soon.
June 21, 2014 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
We started this blog, a while ago, posting a picture of a parrot, here in Pavia. It was strange enough, but now there is a big group of parrots living in town. Today we noted one of them with a different colour (usually they are green, but this one was cyan), and we tried to take a photo. The photo quality is bad but, believe us, the parrot was very nice.