Anna compie ormai 5 anni, e oggi, in quel di Poggio, si e’ svolta la sua festa di compleanno. Il meteo e’ stato benevolo, nonostante le pioggie di questi giorni, e la festa e’ stata davvero bella, piena di bimbi, di gioia e di allegria. La piu’ felice di tutti era ovviamente la festeggiata, bellissima e bravissima. Ma il giardino di casa Malcovati ha saputo accogliere tutti i bimbi urlanti e festosi, e anche Lorenzo e Beatrice hanno passato un pomeriggio davvero allegro. Grazie ancora, e tanti auguri super Anna!!!!
Anna’s birthday is coming, and today there was a big party at Poggio-Ferrato, in their lovely house in the country. There were a lot of children, and it was not easy for Lorenzo to stay close to Anna as he always would like. But both Lorenzo and Beatrice enjoyed such a special afternoon, and they had a lot of fun all together. Thanks again for being so kind with us, Luca and Chiara!!!
You are currently browsing the archives for May, 2016.
Il compleanno di Anna
May 30, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
May 30, 2016 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Nell’ambito del Bambinfestival sabato mattina si e’ svolto un “open-day” al CUS Pavia per far provare il rubgy ai bambini. Visto che i bambini nati nel 2012 erano accettati, abbiamo portato Lorenzo. E’ stato un impatto soft, non si puo’ dire che non gli sia piaciuto, ma neanche che ne e’ rimasto stregato. Ma certo la presenza del suo amico Gabry ha reso la mattinata molto positiva. Vedremo, l’impressione e’ che il CUS sia una societa’ seria e non spiacerebbe se Lorenzo dovesse appassioanrsi. Ma probabilmente e’ ancora un po’ presto
Last Saturday we went for the CUS Pavia Rubby open-day, an experiment to present the rugby to children. Lorenzo was allowed to try it, and he had some fun, mainly because here he met his good friend Gabry. We will see, in the future, if thin Lorenzo will become a good rubgy guy.
Last Saturday we went for the CUS Pavia Rubby open-day, an experiment to present the rugby to children. Lorenzo was allowed to try it, and he had some fun, mainly because here he met his good friend Gabry. We will see, in the future, if thin Lorenzo will become a good rubgy guy.
Progressi ciclistici
May 23, 2016 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Lorenzo started to be sitted in the front bike child seat when he was less than 1 year old (see here), then he grew and sitted on the back child seat. He also started to ride with his red bicycle (the one without pedals) and today, with the red one (with pedals) he was able to reach the cented of the city riding by himself. Pavia is flat, and he is still with the traingin wheels, but he did a really good job.
Pedale-Maiale 2016
May 15, 2016 // Posted in bike | 1 Comment
Dopo la sosta dello scorso anno, il pedale-maiale e’ ripartito quest’anno, seppur con una micro-pedalata in Oltrepo’, la mattina, per poi pranzare tutti assieme presso la trattoria “Gli Antichi Sapori di Soriasco“. Pedalata breve (53 km) ma impegnativa, con parecchio su e giu’, e qualche tratto un po’ pericolo. Su uno di questi il povero Alessio e’ rovinosamente caduto, per fortuna provocantosi solo escoriazioni superficiali. Gli otto pedalatori sono stati anche accompagnati, per qualche salita, anche dai tre RAT Flavio, Mino e Ugo, in una sorta di gemellaggio tra i due gruppi ciclistici, uno piu’ agonistico, l’altro piu’ goliardico. Un grazie a tutti i partecipanti, ed anche a Fabio che, pur se in moto, ci ha fatto compagnia durante il pranzo.
After an year-break, Pedale-Maiale came back with a short ride through the “Oltrepo’ hills”, starting from Santa Maria della Versa, and coming back, after more than 50 km up and down. We then stopped at Soriasco, at “Gli Antichi Sapori di Soriasco“, where we had a good lunch, in a nice environment. Thanks to all the riders (Paolo, Antonio, Raffaele, Claudio, Alessio, Francesca, Fernando), to Fabio (who joined us for lunch) and to Mino, Flavio and Ugo (from RAT team), who rided with us for a while, in a true friendship.
After an year-break, Pedale-Maiale came back with a short ride through the “Oltrepo’ hills”, starting from Santa Maria della Versa, and coming back, after more than 50 km up and down. We then stopped at Soriasco, at “Gli Antichi Sapori di Soriasco“, where we had a good lunch, in a nice environment. Thanks to all the riders (Paolo, Antonio, Raffaele, Claudio, Alessio, Francesca, Fernando), to Fabio (who joined us for lunch) and to Mino, Flavio and Ugo (from RAT team), who rided with us for a while, in a true friendship.
Ancora pompiere
May 15, 2016 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Pompieropoli gia’ l’anno scorso aveva stregato Lorenzo (vedi qui). E quest’anno siamo ritornati all’appuntamento coi pompieri nell’ambito del Bambinfestival, con anche la possibilita’ di fare il percorso completo, essendo ormai 4enne. Ed e’ stata ancora festa. Grazie pompieri!!!
Afert a year, fire-figthers are back to allow children to play with them. And this year Lorenzo was very happy to complete all the proposed exercises. Thanks a lot for your patience and your passion. We, and in particular Lorenzo, love you.
Afert a year, fire-figthers are back to allow children to play with them. And this year Lorenzo was very happy to complete all the proposed exercises. Thanks a lot for your patience and your passion. We, and in particular Lorenzo, love you.
Con Matteo, Vassy e Jacopo
May 8, 2016 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Era da tanto che avevamo in programma di vederci, ma per una storia o per un’altra, abbiamo sempre rimandato. Oggi finalmente abbiamo avuto ospiti Matteo e Vassy, e il loro piccolo e stupendo Jacopo. Un po’ piu’ grande di Bea e un po’ piu’ piccolo di Lorenzo, i tre hanno formato un bel terzetto. L’agitato Lorenzo ha tenuta allegra la compagnia, e anche se Jacopo e Bea sono stati davvero bravi, riuscire a fare una foto tutti assieme e’ stata un’impresa. Ma ce l’abbiamo fatta.
It was longtime that we didn’t meet Matteo and Vassy (see here) but today we were able to have them at our place, with their lovely little Jacopo. It was fun to see how the three children interacted, but although, thanks to Lorenzo, the afternoon was a bit cahotic, at the end we were able to take a picture all togehter. Thanks for coming, and we hope to see you soon again.
It was longtime that we didn’t meet Matteo and Vassy (see here) but today we were able to have them at our place, with their lovely little Jacopo. It was fun to see how the three children interacted, but although, thanks to Lorenzo, the afternoon was a bit cahotic, at the end we were able to take a picture all togehter. Thanks for coming, and we hope to see you soon again.
Sul palco
May 8, 2016 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Sabato Lorenzo e i suoi compagni di scuola (materna) si sono esibiti in una recita di fine anno svoltasi al teatro “Cesare Volta”, al quartiere Scala. Che dire, a parte l’emozione e la gioia di vedere Lorenzo felice e protagonista, coi suoi compagni, di uno spettacolo davvero interessante, considerata l’eta’ dei protagonisti, e’ stato davvero un bel momento. E il messaggio dello spettacolo “vinciamo i pregiudizi, affidiamoci alle ricchezze di ognuno per far germogliare il cambiamento” e’ decisamente positivo e benaugurante. Complimenti a tutti i bimbi, e un grazie alle maestre per l’impegno e la dedizione.
Last Saturday Lorenzo and his school mates played a recital at teatro “Cesare Volta”. It was funny, but also touching, and all the children were amazing. Thanks to all of them, and to their teachers for such a beautiful performance.
Last Saturday Lorenzo and his school mates played a recital at teatro “Cesare Volta”. It was funny, but also touching, and all the children were amazing. Thanks to all of them, and to their teachers for such a beautiful performance.
Festeggiamenti (anticipati)
May 2, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
Con un giorno d’anticipo, sfruttando la domenica, qui si e’ provveduto a festeggiare la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli, che invecchia sempre di piu’. Per l’occasione il caldo abbraccio della famiglia gia’ di prima mattina, la meravigliosa torta californiana preparata da Silvia, e il brindisi con Luisa, Paolo e Franceschina, oltre che dello zio “acquisito” Teo, sono stati il regalo piu’ bello che ci si potesse aspettare. Grazie!!!
One day before the schedule, here we celebrated the coming birthday of the old sacchibelli male component. We started this morning with a warm hug from the whole family in front of a lovely “californian cake” made by Silvia, and we ended up eating it with Luisa, Paolo, little Francesca and also with Teo in the afternoon. Thanks a lot for making this day really special.
One day before the schedule, here we celebrated the coming birthday of the old sacchibelli male component. We started this morning with a warm hug from the whole family in front of a lovely “californian cake” made by Silvia, and we ended up eating it with Luisa, Paolo, little Francesca and also with Teo in the afternoon. Thanks a lot for making this day really special.
Le fragole sul balcone
May 2, 2016 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Il primo esperimento risale a due anni fa (, e dopo un anno di pausa, ecco che i sacchibelli ci riprovano con le fragole sul balcone. Il primo raccolto (due fragole) e’ stato ampiamente soddisfacente (almeno per quanto riguarda la qualita’), ma altre fragole sono all’orizzonte. E il nostro Lorenzo e’ gia’ pronto per la raccolta.
We already tried (successfully) two years ago (see, and this year we hope to get more strawberries. The first two were very good, and Lorenzo is ready to pick new ones.
We already tried (successfully) two years ago (see, and this year we hope to get more strawberries. The first two were very good, and Lorenzo is ready to pick new ones.