You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2018.
Primavera e’…
March 28, 2018 // Posted in free time | No Comments
Di festa in festa
March 18, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Non poteva mancare, anche in questo piovoso weekend, una festa di compleanno. Il buon Theo infatti ha compiuto 4 anni e, benche’ non piu’ compagno di asilo di Bea, l’amicizia e’ rimasta, e siamo stati invitati alla sua festa. Benche’ il meteo non abbia aiutato, Jenny e Max, mamma e papa’ di Theo, si sono dati parecchio da fare per catturare l’attenzione dei bambini, rendendo la festa particolarmente piacevole. Grazie di cuore, e tanti auguri ancora super Theo.
Last Saturday we joined Theo, former Bea’s nursery mate, for the celebration of his 4th birthday. It was a rainy day (a rainy weekend, to be honest), but Jenny and Max did their best, making the event very funny and happy. Thanks a lot for the invitation. And happy birthday from all of us to super Theo.
Last Saturday we joined Theo, former Bea’s nursery mate, for the celebration of his 4th birthday. It was a rainy day (a rainy weekend, to be honest), but Jenny and Max did their best, making the event very funny and happy. Thanks a lot for the invitation. And happy birthday from all of us to super Theo.
Il compleanno dello zio Marco
March 12, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Qualche giorno fa lo zio Marco ha compiuto gli anni (52!!!) e stasera siamo stati invitati a cena, assieme ai nonni, a casa sua. Qui, con anche zia Francy, nonna Margherita e i nonni, ci siamo gustati ottimi pizzocheri e una squisita torta alla nutella trascorrendo una bella serata. Lorenzo e Bea erano ben contenti di passare una serata coi cugini; Lorenzo sempre appresso a Miky, e ai suoi giochi. Bea stregata da tutti i regalini che cugina Ila le ha fatto. Grazie!!!>รน
Few days ago uncle Marco turned 52 and tonight we went at his place, together with granpa and granma, to celebrate his birthday, eating great “pizzocheri” and a delicious “nutella” cake. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed staying with Miky and Ila, and we all passed a very nice evening. Thanks!!!
Few days ago uncle Marco turned 52 and tonight we went at his place, together with granpa and granma, to celebrate his birthday, eating great “pizzocheri” and a delicious “nutella” cake. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed staying with Miky and Ila, and we all passed a very nice evening. Thanks!!!
Piccole pasticciere
March 12, 2018 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Per domenica pomeriggio aspettavamo Chiara, con Anna e Marta a casa nostra. Cosi’, in tarda mattinata, la piccola Bea (con il successivo aiuto anche di Lorenzo) si e’ messa all’opera per preparare un’ottima torta di yogurt e fragole. Che e’ stata molto apprezzata.
This morning, before lunch, little Bea (helped by Lorenzo too) started to prepare a great strawberry cake to offer it to Chiara, Anna and Marta, who joined us in the afternoon. Great job!!!!
This morning, before lunch, little Bea (helped by Lorenzo too) started to prepare a great strawberry cake to offer it to Chiara, Anna and Marta, who joined us in the afternoon. Great job!!!!
Colazioni golose,
March 11, 2018 // Posted in food | No Comments
Succede che, in una piovosa domenica mattina, si debba andare in pasticceria per prenotare dei dolci per una festa. Gia’ che si e’ li’, ne approfittiamo per una buona colazione che, Lorenzo e Beatrice, al di la’ dei modi un po’ rudi, sembrano apprezzare
This Sunday morning we had to go to a good “pastry shop” to make a reservation. So, why not to have a nice breakfast together?
This Sunday morning we had to go to a good “pastry shop” to make a reservation. So, why not to have a nice breakfast together?
March 11, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Ultimamente, tra Lorenzo e Bea, capita spesso di essere invitati a allegre feste di compleanno, dove nanetti urlanti si scatenano. Cosi’ sabato siamo andati alla feste di Alice, compagna di Lorenzo. E abbiamo scoperto il mago Sergio, molto bravo a catturare l’attenzione dei bimbi. E a farli scatenare con balli super vivaci.
In the last period, Lorenzo’s and Bea’s social activity is increasing a lot, with birthday celebrations and invitations at friends home. So last Saturday we were invited to celebrate Alice’s birthday, and there was a lot of fun, thanks to the kids, and thanks to wizard Sergio…
March 4, 2018 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Era da qualche anno che non nevicava piu’ a Pavia (vedi qui). Bea era nata da pochi giorni, e Lorenzo e Anna avevano costruito bellissimi pupazzi di neve al Castello. Oggi allora, festa grande, perche’ dopo la neve di giovedi’ e venerdi’, e’ arrivld ata anche quella del sabato, e nel pomeriggio, sotto casa, abbiamo costruito bianchino, un super pupazzo di neve, decisamente gigante. Evviva la neve… ma ora abbiamo tanta voglia di primavera, sappiamo che sta arrivando!!!
Snow is always something magic, mostly for the babies. So, after the Thursday and Friday snow, we had also snow on Saturday. And the fun was to have time, in the afternoon, to build a giant snowman, similar to the one Anna and Lorenzo built three years ago (see here). That time Bea wasfew days old, while this year she was very happy and excited because of the snow. But now, after this freezing week, we need to breath a bit of spring time…..
Snow is always something magic, mostly for the babies. So, after the Thursday and Friday snow, we had also snow on Saturday. And the fun was to have time, in the afternoon, to build a giant snowman, similar to the one Anna and Lorenzo built three years ago (see here). That time Bea wasfew days old, while this year she was very happy and excited because of the snow. But now, after this freezing week, we need to breath a bit of spring time…..