You are currently browsing the archives for November, 2018.
Incontri grenobloise
November 28, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Il nuovo lavoro della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli lo porta a viaggiare un po’ per le varie zone del mondo dove la microelettronica e’ forte, e da’ quindi l’occasione di rivedere vecchie conoscenze. Cosi’, nel corso di un breve viaggio a Grenoble, non poteva mancare una sosta chez “Carlo e Susana”, i due cari amici che, per tanti anni, sono stati di estrema compagnia in quel di Pavia. Partiti per Grenoble nel 2012 (vedi qui), ancora non ci siamo abituati a stare senza di loro…Marina e Sofia sono cresciute tantissimo, e la piccola Anna comincia a non essere piu’ troppo piccola. E riabbracciare questa splendida famiglia mi ha trasmesso davvero tanto calore e nostalgia. Ci si rivede presto, promesso.
The new job is pushing the adult male component of sacchibelli family to travel a bit, mainly across the “microelectronics” excellence we have all across the world. So, stopping at Grenoble, I was very happy to meet, after many years, Carlo and Susana, with their lovely Marina, Sofia and Anna. We miss them a lot in Pavia, and we really hope to see them more often. Thanks for being so special to us….
The new job is pushing the adult male component of sacchibelli family to travel a bit, mainly across the “microelectronics” excellence we have all across the world. So, stopping at Grenoble, I was very happy to meet, after many years, Carlo and Susana, with their lovely Marina, Sofia and Anna. We miss them a lot in Pavia, and we really hope to see them more often. Thanks for being so special to us….
La tradizione delle lanterne
November 25, 2018 // Posted in celebrations, friends | No Comments
Per il terzo anno consecutivo, anche quest’anno non ci siamo lasciati scappare l’appuntamento per la notte delle lanterne, in quel di Torre d’Isola. E se gli anni scorsi (vedi qui e qui), essendo Lorenzo e Bea ancora nanetti, erano stati papà e mamma a gestire il lancio, quest’anno, aiutati da Pietro, e con anche le amiche Viola e Alice, sono stati i bambini a esibirsi nel lancio. E tutto è filato liscio…
This year too we joined the traditional flying wish light show, at Torre d’Isola. As usual, it was a very suggestive experience, and we met a lot of good friends. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed the presence of Viola and Alice, and also of Pietro. And for the first year, the “kids” worked to make our light ready to fly. And they were pretty good. Great job!!!
This year too we joined the traditional flying wish light show, at Torre d’Isola. As usual, it was a very suggestive experience, and we met a lot of good friends. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed the presence of Viola and Alice, and also of Pietro. And for the first year, the “kids” worked to make our light ready to fly. And they were pretty good. Great job!!!
November 18, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Non ci si vedeva da parecchio tutti assieme, da quella bella domenica trascorsa in Valtellina, cinque anni fa, a casa di Michela ed Everest (vedi qui). All’epoca Lorenzo e Arianna erano due nanetti. Ora sono due “giganti” al confronto, e pure i rispettivi sorellina e fratellino (Bea e Tommaso) sono tutto fuorchè piccoli. Insomma, non era stato tutto ben organizzato, ma alla fine siamo riusciti a ritrovarci, a riabbracciarci, a passare qualche ora assieme, mangiando (una misera pasta rispetto ai meravigliosi pizzocheri di 5 anni fa) e giocando coi bimbi scatenati. A presto Miki ed Everest, col proposito di lasciar passare poco tempo prima di rivederci ancora. Grazie!!!
We met Miki and Everest more than 5 years ago (see here) when, with Ivan and Gabry we went to their place in Valtellina. Today they came back to Pavia for a short visit, but we were lucky enough to meet them, and to spend some hours together. And in five years both Lorenzo and Arianna grew up a lot. And Bea and Tommaso arrived too. What a band!!!
We met Miki and Everest more than 5 years ago (see here) when, with Ivan and Gabry we went to their place in Valtellina. Today they came back to Pavia for a short visit, but we were lucky enough to meet them, and to spend some hours together. And in five years both Lorenzo and Arianna grew up a lot. And Bea and Tommaso arrived too. What a band!!!
Novello Icaro
November 17, 2018 // Posted in celebrations, Uncategorized | No Comments
Succede che, per festeggiare i suoi 30 anni, l’azienda dove la componenente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli è recentemente approdata, decida di regalare un’esperienza speciale ai suoi dipendenti. E così eccoci una sera, in quel di Pero, a Aerogravity, con tutti i colleghi, a provare il simulatore di caduta libera… Qualche perplessità all’inizio, ma alla fine grande entusiasmo, ed esperienza davvero suggestiva. E bellissima la compagnia dei nuovi colleghi, sempre piu’ una grande famiglia.
It happens that, to celebrate its 30 years, the company recently joined by the adult male component of sacchibelli family decide to offer to its employees an amazing experience: to try the amazing experience at Aerogravity, where, in a certain sense, it is possible “to fly”. And, although at the beginning we were a bit scared, the experience has been really funny and emotional. Great job, and thanks to all the colleagues for being a so special team.
A Pisa
November 13, 2018 // Posted in friends, Travels | No Comments
La partenza dei De Pinto per Pisa ha trasformato la città della torre in una delle mete preferite per le trasferte dei sacchibelli. E così, dopo circa sei mesi, rieccoci di ritorno, per riabbracciare i nostri cari amici. Lorenzo e Giulia hanno cosi’ trascorso un intero weekend giocando assieme, come un tempo, ed e’ stato bello rivederli cosi’ felici e cosi’ affezionati. Lorenzo grande e’ un lettore sempre piu’ accanito, e Carmen e Giuseppe sono sempre persone con cui e’ davvero piacevole condividere momenti belli e piacevoli. Insomma, quando arriviamo a Pisa, ci sentiamo a casa, accolti in famiglia. E questo e’ davvero bello. Abbiamo pranzato a casa loro (Carmen si conferma sempre una super cuoca) e cenato in un bel ristorante in centro (“La Pergoletta“), abbiamo visto bellissimi spettacoli e rimirato il centro e la superba piazza dei Miracoli. Il clima e’ stato mite e soleggiato. Insomma, tutto bello, ma il vero motivo per cui ci piace tornare a Pisa e’ poter riabbracciare i nostri amici.
After six months, here we are back to Pisa, to meet again Carmen and Giuseppe, with Giulia and Lorenzo. This time we stayed at “Casa Millegru“, but with the exception of the night, we spent the whole period with them. We enjoyed having lunch together, seeing how cute are Lorenzo and Giulia when they play together, talking about our lives, experiences and problems. De Pinto’s family is our second family, and we really enjoy sharing some nice moments with them. In Pavia we miss them a lot. But Pisa is not so far, so, se you soon dear friends…
After six months, here we are back to Pisa, to meet again Carmen and Giuseppe, with Giulia and Lorenzo. This time we stayed at “Casa Millegru“, but with the exception of the night, we spent the whole period with them. We enjoyed having lunch together, seeing how cute are Lorenzo and Giulia when they play together, talking about our lives, experiences and problems. De Pinto’s family is our second family, and we really enjoy sharing some nice moments with them. In Pavia we miss them a lot. But Pisa is not so far, so, se you soon dear friends…
Pigiama party
November 4, 2018 // Posted in family, food | No Comments
Sabato sera, approfittando di queste giornate di ponte, abbiamo invitato cugina Francy, con zia Lulu’ e zio Paolo, per un pigiama party, con cena a base di risotto con bonarda e salsiccia, almeno per i grandi. Serata di caos e allegria, bella e piacevole. Da ripetere piu’ spesso.
Saturday night we invited “cugina Francy”, together with “zia Lulu'” and “zio Paolo” for a pigiama party. In the meanwhile the parents had a good dinner with a “Risotto with bonarda and salsiccia”. A good mix of good food and happyness… A good experiment, to be repeated more often.
Saturday night we invited “cugina Francy”, together with “zia Lulu'” and “zio Paolo” for a pigiama party. In the meanwhile the parents had a good dinner with a “Risotto with bonarda and salsiccia”. A good mix of good food and happyness… A good experiment, to be repeated more often.
Piscina grande
November 4, 2018 // Posted in Beatrice | No Comments
Oggi Bea ha fatto il suo esordio nella piscina grande della Folperti, promossa sul campo, con grande gioia e entusiasmo da parte sua. Brava Bea!!!
Bea started to swim before of her first birthday, every Saturday, with dad or mom, in the little swimming pool of “Piscina Folperti”. After almost three years, today she was allowed to go in the big swimming pool… And Bea was very proud of this. Good job Bea!!!!
Bea started to swim before of her first birthday, every Saturday, with dad or mom, in the little swimming pool of “Piscina Folperti”. After almost three years, today she was allowed to go in the big swimming pool… And Bea was very proud of this. Good job Bea!!!!
November 4, 2018 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo | No Comments
Se Lorenzo aveva già cavalcato un cavallo, alla festa di Gioele (vedi qui), per Bea cavalcare il pony al parco della Vernavola è stata una novità assoluta. E la cosa è piaciuta molto.
Lorenzo already rode an horse at Gioele’s birhtday party (see here), but at that time Bea was too young. So we repeated the experiment joining a pony riding session at Parco della Vernavola. Amazing.
Lorenzo already rode an horse at Gioele’s birhtday party (see here), but at that time Bea was too young. So we repeated the experiment joining a pony riding session at Parco della Vernavola. Amazing.