You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2012.
July 24, 2012 // Posted in cars, Pavia | No Comments
Pavia administrators decided that to park on many sidewalks is allowed (no matter if the room for pedestrians becomes small). Let’s avoid any comment (they would be not elegant…), but let’s suggest that, after painting the places on the sidewalk, they should take out the old “no parking” road sign.
Gli amministratori del nostro Comune hanno deciso che, nonostante l’etimologia della parola marciapiede, su molti marciapiedi della citta’ e’ lecito parcheggiare. Lasciando stare ogni commento al riguardo (sarebbero volgari), si segnala come l’aver disegnato le righe bianche sia un po’ incongruente con l’aver lasciato il cartello verticale di divieto di sosta… Giusto per confermare come approssimativamente vengano affrontate certe tematiche… Da notare che relativamente allo stesso marciapiede, infestato da auto in divieto di sosta, ne avevamo parlato Pavia administrators decided that to park on many sidewalks is allowed (no matter if the room for pedestrians becomes small). Let’s avoid any comment (they would be not elegant…), but let’s suggest that, after painting the places on the sidewalk, they should take out the old “no parking” road sign.
Una cena con gli amici
July 21, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Thursday our friends Roberto and Nicoletta (two high school mates of sacchibelli’s male component) went at our place for a dinner. In the past this already happened, but this time there was Lorenzo too. We spent a lovely evening together, and we are quite happy that we are able to have a social life good enough also with the little baby. Thanks for coming and see you soon.
Area sgambamento cani
July 16, 2012 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Few days ago we note a strange signpost (the one you see in the picture). It is nice to know that our administration identified a place where dogs can walk (!?!?). But it is sad that sometimes it happens that pedestrians cannot walk through the city because of the disastrous status of our sidewalks…
Nord, Centro e Sud
July 15, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Tuesday we had Stefano, a friend and “colleague” met at Marvell, at our place for a dinner together with his girlfriend Fabiola. We invited also our friend Carlo, and at the end we had people from everywhere in Italy (North, Center and South), around the same table. And it was a great evening. Thanks for coming and for joining us.
July 8, 2012 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
Naviglio. Non che sia un posto di straordinaria bellezza, ma la mattina e’ in ombra e, pur essendo nel cuore della citta’, succede comunque di vedere anatroccoli, aironi, pesci e quant’altro, il che rende lo spettacolo comunque piacevole. L’altra domenica, la domenica finora piu’ calda dell’estate, abbiamo cosi’ notato la presenza di una schiera di pescatori, tutti ben allineati, impegnati in una gara. Da un lato siamo rimasti stupiti dalla passione per questa attivita’ di queste persone, visto che erano sul lato assolato del canale, circondati da zanzare, e destinati a carbonizzarsi fino all’ora di pranzo. Dall’altro pero’ abbiamo pensato ai nostri amici pesci che di tanto in tanto saltano fuori dall’acqua, e, ovviamente, abbiamo fatto il tifo per loro…
During our morning walks with Lorenzo it often happens to go long the “Naviglio“, a canal that cross the city. It is not that beautiful, but it is nice to see ducks, fishes and sometimes herons almost in the center of the town. So, last Sunday, when we saw many fishermen (there was a competion) we were surprised (it was the hottest day of the summer and they where under the sun since early in the morning) but at the end, although we were struck with their mania, we silently supported for the fishes…
Capita spesso, nei nostri giri mattutini per goderci i pochi momenti freschi dell’estate pavese e per far appisolare Lorenzo dopo la prima “colazione”, di transitare lungo il During our morning walks with Lorenzo it often happens to go long the “Naviglio“, a canal that cross the city. It is not that beautiful, but it is nice to see ducks, fishes and sometimes herons almost in the center of the town. So, last Sunday, when we saw many fishermen (there was a competion) we were surprised (it was the hottest day of the summer and they where under the sun since early in the morning) but at the end, although we were struck with their mania, we silently supported for the fishes…
Gli zii, e i cuginetti, d’America
July 4, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Contafamily), anche per questioni storiche, sono in assoluto lo zio e la zia d’America. Cosi’ ieri sera, quando di passaggio per l’Italia, hanno comunque trovato il tempo per venire a conoscere Lorenzo, con al seguito i tre fantastici bimbi (Giorgio, Nick e Paolo), siamo stati davvero felici. Ci si riesce a vedere circa una volta all’anno, quando invece ai tempi degli studi ci si vedeva piu’ volte al giorno, ma la sensazione di gioia e’ sempre la stessa. E sembra sempre di essersi visti il giorno prima, anche se, come stavolta, nel caso della Vale, erano ormai quasi due anni. Grazie davvero di cuore, noi vi aspettiamo sempre. E, tra non troppo tempo, cercheremo di ricambiare la visita. A presto!!!
Abbiamo tanti amici che sono americani o che, comunque, ormai vivono da anni negli States. Tra questi Teo e Vale (For sure we have many american friends, and many italian friends living in the USA. Among them, for historical reasons, Teo and Vale (Contafamily) can be considered Lorenzo’s americans uncle and aunt. And their lovely babies Giorgio, Nick and Paolo his american cousins. We see them no more than once a year, while many years ago we shared all the days at University. But we fell them as true and great friends, so yesterday, in the evening, we were so happy to have them at our place to meet Lorenzo. Thanks a lot, and hopefully soon, we will meet you in Orange County again.
Una bella giornata in collina
July 1, 2012 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
In these days weather in Pavia is very hot, so we were very happy of the invitation of our friends Luca and Chiara to join them at Poggio Ferrato, a nice place on the hills of the Oltrepo’ Pavese. So we spent a lovely day together with true friends. We then came back to Pavia late in the afternoon, not so excited because of the how weather. Let’s hope that tomorrow the situation will be a little bit better….