qui) si è svolta la notte delle lanterne, ovverosia il lancio, poco dopo il tramonto, di oltre 2000 lanterne volanti. Spettacolo suggestivo e denso di significato (ad ogni lanterna era associato un desiderio) che e’ molto piaciuto ai piccoli (Lorenzo e Bea) e ai grandi (Enrico e Silvia). Le foto non sono granchè, causa oscurità, ma è stata davvero una serata speciale.
Last year we missed this event, but this year we were ready to follow it. At Torre d’Isola, a little town not far from Pavia, a chinese flying wish ligth show has been organized, and one of the 2000 lanterns was launched by us. It has been an emotional event, full of suggestion, and let’s hope that all the desires will be satisfied.
L’anno scorso l’iniziativa ci era sfuggita, ma quest’anno non ce la siamo fatta scappare. A Torre d’Isola, a due passi da Pavia, nell’ambito delle iniziative per il Natale (vedi You are currently browsing the archives for November, 2016.
La notte delle lanterne
November 29, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | 2 Comments
La piena del Ticino
November 26, 2016 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
qui), ma anche quest’anno il Ticino e’ cresciuto oltre i suoi argini, andando ad allagare via Milazzo. Negli ultimi giorni qui e’ piovuto parecchio, ma e’ soprattutto la piena del Po (che non riceve piu’ l’acqua del Ticino) ad aver causato questa esondazione. Capiamo il disagio di chi abita in Borgo basso, ma per fortuna, stavolta, non sembrano esserci rischi seri. Per cui ci limitiamo ad ammirare il suggestivo spettacolo che il Ticino ci offre in questi giorni.
The last Ticino flood happened only two years ago, but we are back now. After a long rainy period, our river grew up a lot and not it reached the floor of “Borgo basso”, the piece of the city built in front of it. No risks or serious damages till now. But an amazing show of the nature that is interesting to watch from the highest portion of the city.
L’ultima piena risale a solo due anni fa (vedi The last Ticino flood happened only two years ago, but we are back now. After a long rainy period, our river grew up a lot and not it reached the floor of “Borgo basso”, the piece of the city built in front of it. No risks or serious damages till now. But an amazing show of the nature that is interesting to watch from the highest portion of the city.
Al cinema tutti assieme
November 21, 2016 // Posted in family | No Comments
Cartoni, che avventura“, oggi ci siamo gustati la proiezione di “Il viaggio di Norm“. Dopo la prima oretta, Bea ha cominciato a dare segni di cedimento, ed e’ poi uscita col papa’, ma Lorenzo e mamma l’hanno guardato e apprezzato fino alla fine.
After “The good dinosaur“, “The Little Prince” and “Pets”, also today we decided to go to the movie teathre, but the first time we were all together. The movie we have chosen is “Norm of the North“, and it was funny enough. Unfortunately Bea got tired in the middle, and together with her dad, she had to come out. But Lorenzo and Silvia enjoed the movie till to its (good) end.
Dopo “Il viaggio di Arlo” e “Il piccolo Principe”, visti da Lorenzo assieme al papa’ (e all’amica Anna accompagnata da papa’ Luca), dopo “Pets”, visto da Lorenzo e Bea assieme al papa’, e’ finalmente arrivato il momento di andare al cinema tutti assieme. Cosi’, in occasione della rassegna cinematografica “After “The good dinosaur“, “The Little Prince” and “Pets”, also today we decided to go to the movie teathre, but the first time we were all together. The movie we have chosen is “Norm of the North“, and it was funny enough. Unfortunately Bea got tired in the middle, and together with her dad, she had to come out. But Lorenzo and Silvia enjoed the movie till to its (good) end.
Quattro anni dopo
November 20, 2016 // Posted in cars | No Comments
qui), cambiavamo la vecchia auto con una nuova Ford B-Max. Ci eravamo proposti di usarla comunque “il minimo indispensabile”, di non stravolgere le nostre abitudini di ciclisti urbani (e non solo). Dopo quattro anni si puo’ dire che abbiamo rispettato la promessa. Non siamo cosi’ “duri e puri” da riuscire a cavarcela senz’auto, ma 26000 km in 4 anni sono un chilometraggio decisamente “basso”. E pur essendo poco “automobilisti” dobbiamo dire che la nostra “bimmy” (cosi’ chiamiamo la B-max) e’ davvero comoda e confortevole. Un ottimo acquisto.
We bougth our Ford B-max four years ago, but, although we like our car, during this period we preferred to ride our bicycles and, at the end, we drove for only 26000 Km. We are not ready yet to live without a car (in Italy) but we are trying to do our best limiting its usage.
Quattro anni fa (vedi We bougth our Ford B-max four years ago, but, although we like our car, during this period we preferred to ride our bicycles and, at the end, we drove for only 26000 Km. We are not ready yet to live without a car (in Italy) but we are trying to do our best limiting its usage.
Pizza con Loredana
November 20, 2016 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Andrea (quando c’era solo Lorenzo), poi e’ arrivata Michela, col saltuario intervento di Loredana, presentataci da Andrea stessa. C’e’ poi Valeria, che pero’ interviene per le emergenze, quando qualcuno non sta bene e occorre stare a casa dall’asilo. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di trovare sempre ragazze dolci e bravissime coi bimbi, cui Lorenzo e Bea si sono affezionati tantissimo. E cosi’, benche’ Loredana ormai sia piuttosto raro che le chiediamo di aiutarci, a grande richiesta e’ stata invitata a casa per mangiare insieme una pizza (e, gia’ che c’era, per giocare un po’ assieme). Lorenzo e Bea erano al settimo cielo, e pure noi grandi siamo stati ben felici di rivederla. E, a giudicare da come si e’ divertita, anche la mitica Loredana e’ stata ben felice di riabbracciare i due nanerottoli. Grazie di tutto!!!!
While we try to spend all our energy to grow Lorenzo and Bea, and to give them all the fun and education they need, we need some help to bring them back from school to home, because both Silvia and I we have to work till 6.30pm. We are very lucky because we had great baby sitter, like Andrea, the first one, her friend Loredana, Michela, who officially substituted Andrea and Valeria, who helps us when someone is sick and can’t go to school. Last week Lorenzo and Bea wanted to invite Loredana, who recently is very busy and very rarely acts as a baby sitter, for a pizza. And we were very happy to see her again, to spend a nice evening together, and to have fun playing with the babies. Thanks Loredana for being so special. We really appreciated your visit.
Da quando Lorenzo e Beatrice sono arrivati a riempirci e allietarci le giornate, cerchiamo di dedicare loro tutto il tempo e le energie che abbiamo. Dobbiamo pero’ inevitabilmente ricorrere all’aiuto di qualche baby sitter per quanto riguarda il recupero dei bimbi ad asilo e scuola materna, dal momento che gli impegni di lavoro ci costringono a rientrare a casa non prima delle sei e mezza. Tra le quattro e mezza e le sei e mezza Lorenzo e Beatrice stanno con una babysitter. Storicamente era While we try to spend all our energy to grow Lorenzo and Bea, and to give them all the fun and education they need, we need some help to bring them back from school to home, because both Silvia and I we have to work till 6.30pm. We are very lucky because we had great baby sitter, like Andrea, the first one, her friend Loredana, Michela, who officially substituted Andrea and Valeria, who helps us when someone is sick and can’t go to school. Last week Lorenzo and Bea wanted to invite Loredana, who recently is very busy and very rarely acts as a baby sitter, for a pizza. And we were very happy to see her again, to spend a nice evening together, and to have fun playing with the babies. Thanks Loredana for being so special. We really appreciated your visit.
Diciotto anni di Ilaria
November 13, 2016 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
Ilaria, the little niece from Marco, Enrico’s brother, celebrated her 18th birthday. It seems incredible… I perfectly remember when she was born, and it seems yesterday… Today we had a nice and big lunch with her, at the “Oratorio”, together with a lot of friends and parents. Happy birthday dear Ilaria.
Compleanno di Marta
November 13, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
On November the 9th, Marta, Anna’s sister, celebrated her first birthday. So, yesterday we went at her place to meet her and her lovely family. Although a bit sick, Marta was happy and nice as usual, and we really enjoyed the interaction among the four babies. And we also enjoyed the great cake Anna prepared for us. Thanks.
Una festa un po’ triste
November 13, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Last Friday Rinaldo (aka Professor Castello), left the company where both Enrico and Silvia work. By the way, the company is based in Pavia thanks to him, so the fact that he will not be anymore with us is significant. I met Rinaldo in 1994, as Professor while I was studying at the University. Then he has always been close to me and many of the electronics things I know, come from him. We will miss you a lot, and for sure, this is not a good news for our job situation…
Rimpatriata con polenta
November 11, 2016 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Saturday we went at the “Oratorio del Carmine” for a “reunion” of many old friends. The occasion was given by the presence of Matteo (aka il Gulma) one of the friends who left Italy (he is now living at Bruxelles) and that came back last week for a short visit. We are still waiting for a group pictures, but the evening was great, and the dinner too. Thanks
Al mare, d’autunno
November 1, 2016 // Posted in family, Travels | No Comments
Ognissanti, e delle felici previsioni meteo, i sacchibelli hanno deciso di godersi qualche giorno di mare nell’amata Finale Ligure, la meta preferita per queste rapide scappatelle. Finale e’ a due ore da Pavia, e’ un posto interessante e vivace, dove sportivi di vario genere (rocciatori e mountain bikers, principalmente) convergono. Ci sentiamo quasi a casa, e Lorenzo e Bea amano la spiaggia, i parchi giochi e le merende di Finalborgo. Il mare cristallino, il cielo turchino e il sole splendente ci hanno fatto compagnia per tre giorni indimenticabili. E sapere che Pavia era costantemente avvolta da una cappa di nebbia ci ha fatto un po’ riflettere su quanto speciale sia il clima della Liguria. Ritemprati dal sole e dall’ottima cucina ligure, dopo aver esplorato in bici la costa fino a Varigotti, siamo infine rientrati a Pavia. Ovviamente ad accoglierci c’era un’atmosfera grigia, ovattata dalla nebbia. Ma nei nostri cuori il caldo sole di Finale ci conforta ancora.
Thanks to “Ognissanti” holiday, we had the possibility to spend few days in vacation, and we went back to Finale Ligure, a place we like a lot. Weather was amazing, with a hot sun, and a blue sea in front of us. Someone was also swimming, like in the summer. We enjoyed to ride the bicycles up to Varigotti, we liked to stay on the beach playing with Lorenzo and Bea, we relaxed in Finalborgo…. At the end we spent three lovely days far from the foggy Pavia. And this made us very happy. Thanks Liguria, we will come back soon.
Approfittando del ponte di Thanks to “Ognissanti” holiday, we had the possibility to spend few days in vacation, and we went back to Finale Ligure, a place we like a lot. Weather was amazing, with a hot sun, and a blue sea in front of us. Someone was also swimming, like in the summer. We enjoyed to ride the bicycles up to Varigotti, we liked to stay on the beach playing with Lorenzo and Bea, we relaxed in Finalborgo…. At the end we spent three lovely days far from the foggy Pavia. And this made us very happy. Thanks Liguria, we will come back soon.