Oggi abbiamo avuto graditi ospiti Alessandro e Paola, con la bellissima Lucia. Li aspettavamo da tempo, e la loro visita ci ha davvero fatto piacere. E anche Lorenzo, con le sue urla stridule, ha decisamente apprezzato il loro arrivo, e in particolare quello di Lucia. E, ovviamente, abbiamo colto l’occasione per sgranocchiare qualcosa assieme. Grazie davvero!!!
This afternoon we had at our place Alessandro and Paola, with their lovely Lucia. We were waiting for them since longtime, and they made us very happy. Lorenzo is still too little to play together with Lucia (she is almost 3 yo), however the interaction was quite funny. Thanks for coming and, obviously, we wait for you again.
You are currently browsing the archives for September, 2012.
Lorenzo e Lucia
September 30, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
September 30, 2012 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Ormai, passeggiando per la citta’, si notano spesso, incivilmente accatastate intorno ai cassonetti, le vecchie TV a tubo catodico, ormai dismesse quasi da chiunque e non piu’ in vendita in nessun negozio. Ieri, sotto casa, ce n’erano addirittura quattro. Ma qui dai Sacchibelli per ora si resiste. O meglio, ultimamente non si guarda piu’ la TV, e quindi manca l’esigenza di “aggiornarci”…
It is quite common to see old TVs close to dustbins. Yesterday I noted 4 of them close to our apartment. However here we resist with an old cathod ray tube based TV, also because we don’t usually look at that. So, no need to upgrade.
It is quite common to see old TVs close to dustbins. Yesterday I noted 4 of them close to our apartment. However here we resist with an old cathod ray tube based TV, also because we don’t usually look at that. So, no need to upgrade.
Pedale-Maiale 2012
September 24, 2012 // Posted in bike, friends | No Comments
Anche quest’anno, seppur per un solo weekend, la componente maschile adulta di casa Sacchibelli si e’ concessa una pedalata in compagnia di un bel gruppo di amici (in tutto si era in otto), partendo da Alessandria ed arrivando fino ad Alba. Tra andata e ritorno abbiamo pedalato per circa 180 km, attraversando paesaggi davvero meravigliosi e vivendo momenti molto piacevoli. Essendo un’iniziativa Pedale-Maiale, anche la componente enogastronomica non e’ stata trascurata, anzi. Di rilievo, tra l’altro, il passaggio per Barbaresco, con relativa degustazione del celebre vino. Un grazie a tutti i miei compagni di pedalata (Pier, Edo, Baldone, Paolo, Davide, Antonio e Raffaele) e un grazie a Silvia e Lorenzo che hanno trascorso un weekend senza il sottoscritto, ma che al mio ritorno mi hanno accolto con tanto entusiasmo…
Also this year, with a group of 7 friends, the adult male component of Sacchibelli’s house had the opportunity to ride through some nice region, within the Pedale-Maiale activity. We went to Alessandria by train, and then we rode 180 km up to Alba (and coming back) crossing some very exciting place. Food and wine were excellent. Thanks to all my friends for joining this adventure.
Also this year, with a group of 7 friends, the adult male component of Sacchibelli’s house had the opportunity to ride through some nice region, within the Pedale-Maiale activity. We went to Alessandria by train, and then we rode 180 km up to Alba (and coming back) crossing some very exciting place. Food and wine were excellent. Thanks to all my friends for joining this adventure.
September 16, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Era da due anni e mezzo che non vedevamo il nostro amico Davide (vedi qui), cosi’ oggi non potevamo mancare l’aperitivo in sua compagnia, in occasione di un suo passaggio per Pavia. Che dire, Davide non e’ cambiato per nulla, e questi anni trascorsi in Olanda non hanno infranto l’amicizia che ci lega, ne’ la simpatia che ci ispira. Cosi’ e’ stato davvero bello trascorrere con lui, e con tutti gli altri amici radunati per l’occasione, un’oretta davvero spensierata, con il piccolo Lorenzo per la prima volta in vita sua in un pub…
We didn’t see our friend Davide since May 2010 (see here). So we didn’t miss to meet him today exceptionally in Pavia. We went to a pub together with a lot of friends, and we shared with all of them a nice happy hour. Davide has not changed in these years, and we like him a lot. And we hope to see him soon again. Thanks for visiting us!!!
We didn’t see our friend Davide since May 2010 (see here). So we didn’t miss to meet him today exceptionally in Pavia. We went to a pub together with a lot of friends, and we shared with all of them a nice happy hour. Davide has not changed in these years, and we like him a lot. And we hope to see him soon again. Thanks for visiting us!!!
Ciclamini low cost
September 10, 2012 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
In occasione del Mercatino Europeo, oltre ai cibi di ogni parte d’Europa, si possono comprare anche fiori (provenienti dall’Olanda) a prezzo decisamente conveniente. Quest’anno poi c’e’ stata una vera e propria svendita di ciclamini, cosi’ ecco che tra noi e la mamma di Silvia, per 10 euro, abbiamo comprato 24 bellissimi ciclamini…
During the European Food Market you can find not only food, but also nice (and cheap) flowers from Holland. This year cyclamens were particularly cheap, so, together with Silvia’s mom we bought 24 of them for only 10 euros. Not so bad…
During the European Food Market you can find not only food, but also nice (and cheap) flowers from Holland. This year cyclamens were particularly cheap, so, together with Silvia’s mom we bought 24 of them for only 10 euros. Not so bad…
Mercatino europeo
September 9, 2012 // Posted in food, Pavia | No Comments
Anche quest’anno si e’ svolto a Pavia il Mercatino Europeo. Mentre negli anni scorsi ci eravamo soprattutto focalizzati sulla celebre salamella polacca (qui e qui), quest’anno abbiamo spaziato di piu’, esplorando anche le specialita’ greche, i dolcetti austriaci e olandesi. E non trascurando neppure un panino venduto a una bancarella con la bandiera dell’Alabama (!?). Poi per comodita’, ci siamo spostati a casa della mamma di Silvia, dove potete ammirare anche Lorenzo a capotavola (per questa volta a stomaco vuoto, ma dall’anno prossimo….)
As in the past, this year too, there was the European Food Market here in Pavia. And while the last years we just focused on the Poland grill, this year we explored also Greek food, and dessers from Austria and Holland. And then we went at gran mother’s place, where we ate all together (no, Lorenzo just drunk some milk, don’t worry…)
As in the past, this year too, there was the European Food Market here in Pavia. And while the last years we just focused on the Poland grill, this year we explored also Greek food, and dessers from Austria and Holland. And then we went at gran mother’s place, where we ate all together (no, Lorenzo just drunk some milk, don’t worry…)
Sosta selvaggia…
September 9, 2012 // Posted in cars, Pavia | No Comments
Qui a Pavia la vita per i pedoni e’ decisamente complicata. Piu’ volte ne abbiamo parlato, e in particolare qui, a seguito della segnalazione di sosta selvaggia e impunita sui marciapiedi antistante un’ospedale, la brillante Amministrazione Comunale si e’ esibita in un capolavoro: dal momento che “se si danno le multe i cittadini si lamentano“, ecco comparire le righe che autorizzano il parcheggio sul marciapiede, riducendo al minimo lo spazio per i pedoni. E, ovviamente, ecco gli automobilisti che, fregandosene delle righe, parcheggiano ingombrando completamente il marciapiede. E, guarda caso, impunemente…
Here in Pavia life for pedestrian is quite hard. Although sidewalks are supposed to be used by pedestrains, here, somewhere, cars are allowed to park there (and also if they should not be allowed, cars are tolerated almost everywhere). So the sidewalk becomes narrow, and if the car is not correctly parked within the space reserved, here is what you obtain. No way to walk through….
Here in Pavia life for pedestrian is quite hard. Although sidewalks are supposed to be used by pedestrains, here, somewhere, cars are allowed to park there (and also if they should not be allowed, cars are tolerated almost everywhere). So the sidewalk becomes narrow, and if the car is not correctly parked within the space reserved, here is what you obtain. No way to walk through….
Debutto in societa’
September 4, 2012 // Posted in family, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Domenica scorsa, in occasione della “Sagra della rana“, siamo andati a Sartirana, paese di origine di Silvia, dove Lorenzo era tanto atteso. Cosi’, nonostante il tempo non perfetto, ci siamo goduti la festa con i colori e i banchetti che la contraddistinguono, e abbiamo fatto conoscere Lorenzo a tante persone che, ancora legate a mamma Silvia, desideravano davvero salutarlo. Insomma, e’ stata davvero una bella domenica, e Lorenzo ha dispensato sorrisi (e urla) a tutti.
Last Sunday we went to Sartirana, the place where Silvia spent the first years of her life, because there was the “Sagra della rana“. Although weather was not so exciting, the site was very crowded, and it was exciting for us and Lorenzo to meet so many people waiting for him. And Lorenzo smiled a lot, and also excercised his terrific voice. It really was a very good Sunday.
Last Sunday we went to Sartirana, the place where Silvia spent the first years of her life, because there was the “Sagra della rana“. Although weather was not so exciting, the site was very crowded, and it was exciting for us and Lorenzo to meet so many people waiting for him. And Lorenzo smiled a lot, and also excercised his terrific voice. It really was a very good Sunday.
Mini croissant
September 4, 2012 // Posted in food, Pavia | No Comments
Come gia’ raccontato, la domenica, compatibilmente con gli orari di Lorenzo e le condizioni meteo, ci piace fare colazione fuori. E non vi e’ dubbio che il nostro posto preferito sia la pasticceria Casaschi, in viale Lodi. Qui i crossant, specie quelli ripieni al cioccolato, sono davvero irresistibili. E di dimensioni talvolta imbarazzanti…
As we already mentioned, we like, on Sunday, to have breakfast outside, in some cafe’. And the place we love more is, for sure, the “Pasticceria Casaschi“, not far from where we live. Here chocolate croissant are really amazing, both for quality and size…
As we already mentioned, we like, on Sunday, to have breakfast outside, in some cafe’. And the place we love more is, for sure, the “Pasticceria Casaschi“, not far from where we live. Here chocolate croissant are really amazing, both for quality and size…