Rientrati ieri dal mare, oggi eravamo gia’ chiamati dal primo evento social, cioe’ l’incontro con la mitica Fede di passaggio in Italia per le vacanze. C’erano anche la Francy con gli zii, e Matilde, di Alice e Fil, oltre che Achille. Insomma, una bella compagnia, in un bel contesto (Pane e Salame) e con un buon aperitivo. Grazie Fede di ricordarti sempre di noi nei tuoi passaggi per l’Italia.
We went back from our vacations last evening, and today we were already invited to meet our friend Federica for an aperitif together with Francy and zia Lulu’ and zio Paolo, and also with Achille, with Matilde and with her mom Alice and her dad Fil. Thanks Federica, good luck and we wish to see you back soon.
You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2018.
August 27, 2018 // Posted in celebrations, friends | No Comments
Cinema sotto le stelle
August 27, 2018 // Posted in free time | No Comments
A Pavia, recentemente, non ci abbiamo mai provato, causa timore di zanzare. Resta il fatto che il cinema all’aperto, d’estate, e’sicuramente affascinante. Lo e’ stato anche a Grottammare dove (senza zanzare) ci siamo concessi il lusso di guardare in anteprima italiana il nuovo episodio di Hotel Transylvania, il numero tre
The movie teather under the stars is something very fascinating but here in Pavia there are too mosquitos to enjot such a feature. But at Grottammare we had the possibility to see, in preview, “Hotel Transylvania 3” the new and last series of funny Dracula. And we, and the babies, enjoyed it.
The movie teather under the stars is something very fascinating but here in Pavia there are too mosquitos to enjot such a feature. But at Grottammare we had the possibility to see, in preview, “Hotel Transylvania 3” the new and last series of funny Dracula. And we, and the babies, enjoyed it.
Il museo malacologico
August 27, 2018 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Il Museo Malacologico (o delle conchiglie) di Cupra Marittima e’ stata una gradita sorpresa di queste vacanze marchighiane. Scelta come meta di un pomeriggio piovoso, il museo ci ha colpito fin da subito per la sua ricchezza e vastita’. C’erano conchiglie di tutto il mondo, tutte ben catalogate e con un percorso di visita chiaro e ben definito. Lorenzo ne e’ rimasto entusiasta (c’era anche una piccla sezione dedicata ai dinosauri), e anche Bea, pur avendo perso l’inizio della visita causa sonno, e’ parsa ben felice di averlo visto.
We decided to go to Cupra Marittima, to visit the Museum of Malacology in a rainy afternoon, during our vacations at Grottammare. The museum was surprsingly rich and big, and we enjoyed it a lot.

Vacanze a Grottammare
August 27, 2018 // Posted in family, Travels | No Comments
Quest’anno, per le vacanze estiva, abbiamo optato per le amate Marche, per la precisione a Grottammare. Non e’ stato possibile programmare con troppo anticipo, ma la scelta dell’alloggio (Residence Ada) e anche quella del paese, si e’ dimostrata azzeccata. Mare bello, nonostante il fondale sabbioso che lo rendeva un po’ torbido, specie nel pomeriggio, meteo splendido, e belle amicizie nate durante questi 15 giorni di vita da spiaggia (o da piscina). Il borgo antico di Grottammare, un po’ arduo da raggiungere, ma affascinante, rendono Grottammare molto particolare. Il lungomare (interamente ciclabile) e’ lunghissimo, e la citta’ si sviluppa in lunghezza. Decisamente meno vivace di Cattolica, ma anche di Senigallia, Grottammare comunque non delude. Nelle uniche due mezze giornate di tempo brutto ci siamo recati a Cupra Marittima ad ammirare il Museo Malacologico Piceno, decisamente interessante e sorprendentemente vasto, e ad Ascoli, citta’ meravigliosa con un centro storico davvero affascinante.
This year, for the summer vacations, we went to Grottamare, staying at Residence Ada. It was a good choice, and we were very lucky meeting a lot of people that fastly became friends. We enjoyed a lot the sand (doing a lot of cunstracutions), the see and the Residence swimming pool. Weather was very good, with the exception of two half a days. We thus went to Cupra Marittima, to obseve the Museo Malacologico, a very big museum with a lot of amazing shells, and to Ascoli Piceno, with its amazing historic center. We were lucky, meeting good people that shortly became good friends, and Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot playing with all the kids around. We also had a lot of fun playing with the sand….
This year, for the summer vacations, we went to Grottamare, staying at Residence Ada. It was a good choice, and we were very lucky meeting a lot of people that fastly became friends. We enjoyed a lot the sand (doing a lot of cunstracutions), the see and the Residence swimming pool. Weather was very good, with the exception of two half a days. We thus went to Cupra Marittima, to obseve the Museo Malacologico, a very big museum with a lot of amazing shells, and to Ascoli Piceno, with its amazing historic center. We were lucky, meeting good people that shortly became good friends, and Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot playing with all the kids around. We also had a lot of fun playing with the sand….
August 6, 2018 // Posted in free time | No Comments
In questi giorni di inizio agosto il caldo pavese comincia a essere eccessivo e fastidioso. Cosi’ oggi, coi bimbi, ci siamo concessi un pomeriggio in piscina, all’Aquaria di Sommo. Non e’ stata una giornata riposante, ma di sicuro Lorenzo e Bea si sono divertiti assai, anche grazie alla presenza del mitico “zio Teo”. E per un giorno il caldo non ci ha infastidito…
In the last days weather is becoming very hot and wet… so why not to go to the swimming pool on Sunday, in the afternoon? We decided to go to Sommo, at Acquaria swimming pool, and we had a lot of fun, also thanks to the presence of “uncle” Teo. And, at least for the afternoon, we were able to fight against Pavia summer weather….
In the last days weather is becoming very hot and wet… so why not to go to the swimming pool on Sunday, in the afternoon? We decided to go to Sommo, at Acquaria swimming pool, and we had a lot of fun, also thanks to the presence of “uncle” Teo. And, at least for the afternoon, we were able to fight against Pavia summer weather….
August 6, 2018 // Posted in cars | No Comments
L’auto qui a casa sacchibelli la usiamo poco e la laviamo quasi mai. Quando capita, ci si reca all’autolavaggio self-service, e ci si diverte con gli spruzzi (vedi qui). Ieri, a grande richiesta, ci siamo invece concessi un autolavaggio coi rulli. E il bello e’ stato, ovviamente, restare all’interno dell’auto mentre i rulli giravano…
Here at sacchibelli’s we don’t use the car too much, and for sure it is usually not particularly clean. Sometimes we go to a self car washing (see here), but yesterday we decided for an automatic one, and it was very funny.
Here at sacchibelli’s we don’t use the car too much, and for sure it is usually not particularly clean. Sometimes we go to a self car washing (see here), but yesterday we decided for an automatic one, and it was very funny.
Good bye Huawei
August 6, 2018 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Dopo l’epilogo Marvell, la nuova avventura lavorativa della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli in Huawei non e’ durata moltissimo. Ora ci si concede qualche settimana di “vacanza” e a settembre ci sara’ qualche novita’ al riguardo… Un grazie a tutti i colleghi che hanno comunque reso questa avventura utile e interessante.
After the end of the long Marvell era, the new job at Huawei of the adult male component of sacchibelli family already ended because of new opportunities at the horizon. Stay tuned, some news will arrive at the beginning of September.. In the meanwhile, let’s have some vacation…
After the end of the long Marvell era, the new job at Huawei of the adult male component of sacchibelli family already ended because of new opportunities at the horizon. Stay tuned, some news will arrive at the beginning of September.. In the meanwhile, let’s have some vacation…