Buon Natale

December 16, 2013 // Posted in celebrations, family  

Buon Natale dai sacchibelli

Qui il tempo scorre cosi’ rapido che sembra ieri quando abbiamo comprato il nuovo albero di Natale (vedi qui), e invece e’ gia’ passato un anno. Qualcuno cresce, qualcun altro invecchia, la situazione al contorno non e’ perfetta, ma quando si e’ tutti e tre insieme, siamo di sicuro tanto felici. E cosi’ eccoci, un anno dopo, ai piedi del nostro albero, a augurare a tutti i nostri lettori un felice Natale.

Time is flying, and it seems that we bought our new Christmas tree few days ago, and not one year ago (see here). Someone is growing, while others are getting older, but, although boundary conditions are not ideal, when we are all together, we are very happy. So, here we are wishing Merry Christams to all our readers.

This entry was posted on December 16, 2013 at 9:11 am and is filed under celebrations, family. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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