Dopo tanto tempo…

February 24, 2013 // Posted in friends  

La classica foto di gruppo

Era da parecchio che cercavamo di organizzare una merenda in compagnia di Carlo, Sara e dei loro bellissimi bimbi Anna e Giovanni. Per un motivo o per l’altro avevamo sempre dovuto rimandare, ma questa volta ce l’abbiamo fatta. E visto che Carlo e Sara sono conoscenze comuni anche ad altri due blog da noi linkati, Magnamotto e Daniela, siamo sicuri che Ale ed Emiko e Daniela saranno ben lieti di vederci tutti assieme.
A presto e grazie per la graditissima visita.

We were trying to meet with Carlo, Sara and their lovely Anna and Giovanni since a lot of time, but hopeully yesterday we had them at our place for a snack together. It was a really nice afternoon and considering that Carlo and Sara know very well both Magnamotto and Daniela, we are sure that our american friends and blogger are very happy to see us all togehter.

This entry was posted on February 24, 2013 at 9:44 pm and is filed under friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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