
February 25, 2012 // Posted in bike  


Questo blog non poteva non aderire alla campagna #salvaiciclisti, che si sta diffondendo su twitter e i cui dettagli potete trovare a questo indirizzo (http://piciclisti.wordpress.com/2012/02/23/caro-sindaco-salvaiciclisti/). Si tratta di un’iniziativa lanciata dal Times (vedi qui) e che si spera sensibilizzi anche gli amministratori delle nostre citta’ verso le esigenze dei ciclisti. Per Pavia nutriamo poche speranze, ma non ci si puo’ certo arrendere ai soprusi di auto e automobilisti. E speriamo che #salvaciclisti riesca in cio’ che sembra impossibile.

The Times Cities fit for cycling

This blog supports the twitter campaign #salvaiciclisti, originated by a campaign of “The Times” to protect cyclist against dangers due to heavy trafic. In the last 10 years 27.000 cyclist were killed in UK, and starting from this crazy number, “The Times” started its sensibilitation activity. Such a campaign is spreaded over the world trough #salvaciclisti is very popular in Italy too, where the situation for cyclist is ever worst than in UK. Let’s hope that something will change…

This entry was posted on February 25, 2012 at 9:08 pm and is filed under bike. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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