Viola, Alice, Bea e Lorenzo
L’altro pomeriggio abbiamo incontrato il Pesu, con Luisa e le loro due bellissime bimbe Alice e Viola. Dopo aver preso un aperitivo in compagnia in piazza, i quattro “monelli” hanno cominciato a correre e a giocare a nascondino per la piazza. Ed e’ stato davvero bello vedere tutti i bimbi felici e sorridenti, correre liberamente per la piazza finalmente liberata dalle auto, come se fossero loro, i bimbi, i padroni della citta’. E davvero, pur rispettando le opinioni di tutti, fatichiamo a capire come possano esserci tante persone che preferirebbero poter circolare con l’auto anche per il centro della citta’…
Last Saturday we met our friend and colleague Alessandro (aka “Il Pesu”) together with his lovely family and we had an aperitif together. Than, the four babies happily played together running in the main square of the city (Piazza della Vittoria). It is a pedestrian square and luckily it was really “car free” (while sometimes cars are present), and it was very nice and funny to play together with Lorenzo, Bea, Alice and Viola, feeling safe in that square. It is really hard to understand why someone still would prefer to be allowed to go by car in the center of our town…
This entry was posted on September 25, 2016 at 11:46 pm and is filed under Beatrice, friends, Lorenzo.
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