
April 3, 2016 // Posted in family  

La varicella

Anche l’inossidabile Lorenzo (inverno senza influenze o malanni) alla fine ha ceduto, e la varicella che si e’ diffusa alla scuola materna alla fine l’ha colpito. Cosi’ si e’ riempito di puntini rossi, gia’ il lunedi’ di pasquetta, e non e’ rientrato alla scuola materna dopo le vacanze di Pasqua. Tutto sommato pero’ non e’ stata un’esperienza cosi’ devastante, e salvo imprevisti mercoledi’ si riprende il tran-tran. Certo, vista la lunga incubazione, anche Beatrice non e’ detto che non ci caschi…

At the end, after a long winter where Lorenzo has been immune to influenza and other similar stuffs, varicella arrived, and Lorenzo became full of red dots… However this form of varicella was not too strong. It appeared the Monday after Easter, and Lorenzo is now feeling well, and he should come back to school next Wednesday… But let’s wait for Beatrice now…

This entry was posted on April 3, 2016 at 10:27 pm and is filed under family. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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