Teo & Vale

July 12, 2015 // Posted in friends  

Silvia and Beatrice, Enrico, Lorenzo, Vale and Matteo

Teo & Vale, di Contafamily, sono una presenza regolare di questo blog. Abitiamo a 10000km di distanza, ma l’amicizia, nata sui banchi dell’Universita’, e’ robusta, e resiste alla distanza. Inoltre, ad ogni occasione, quando noi capitiamo dalle loro parti, o loro, con piu’ regolarita’, dalle nostre, ci si vede. E il tempo non sembra essere passato. Grazie Teo e Vale. E anche se stavolta non abbiamo potuto ammirare i vostri meravigliosi Gio, Nik e Paolo, siamo davvero felici e orgogliosi di esservi amici. A presto, magari in California…

The older male component of sacchibelli family met Matteo and Vale 25 years ago at University. We studied together and then, after graduation, they went to Usa. Although we live so far away, we feel them as true friends, and they probaby do the same. So, when we go to south California or when they come back to Italy for summer vacations, we always find a way to see each other. So, this morning, they stopped at our place to know little Beatrice. And, as always, it is like 25 years ago, we love to stay together.

This entry was posted on July 12, 2015 at 11:02 pm and is filed under friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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