Critical mass

August 6, 2011 // Posted in bike  

Tutti in bici...

Qualche giorno fa siamo passati dall’ufficio Marvell, nel tardo pomeriggio, a recuperare la borsa col PC. C’era ancora qualche collega al lavoro e siamo usciti poi tutti assieme. La cosa carina e’ stata che anziche’ dirigersi verso le proprie auto, ognuno si e’ diretto verso la propria bici e tutti e 5 (4 marvelliani + un’intrusa…) siamo ripartiti pedalando. Certo d’estate e’ piu’ piacevole pedalare, e non credo che sia l’effetto del caro benzina, pero’ questa e’ l’ennesima conferma che Pavia e’, o meglio, dovrebbe essere, una citta’ a misura di bici…

Few days ago we went, late in the afternoon, back to Marvell office to bring home my notebook. We met few colleauges of mine still at work, and we took off together. It was nice to realize that all of us (4 Marvell guys + 1 intruder…) went at the office by bike. It is just another confirmation that Pavia should be a bike-friend city, and we hope that in the future something will be done to make bikers life easier…

This entry was posted on August 6, 2011 at 4:05 pm and is filed under bike. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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