Il mare d’autunno

November 16, 2015 // Posted in family, Travels  

Lorenzo e Beatrice sulla spiaggia

Finale Ligure e’ una delle nostre mete preferite. Quando riusciamo, ci concediamo qualche giorno laggiu’, a rigenerarci. E in questi giorni di clima eccezionalmente quasi estivo, non potevamo non cadere in tentazione. Cosi’ eccoci di nuovo a Finale, eccoci di nuovo felici, a giocare sulla sabbia con Beatrice e Lorenzo

Lorenzo sulla spiaggia

Weather is particularly warm and good during this November. So we decided to go to Finale Ligure, to enjoy the sun in a lovely place. We spent a very nice weekend, with Lorenzo and Beatrice very happy at the beach. During winter time it is hard to think that, so close to us, there is the sun, there are colors…..

This entry was posted on November 16, 2015 at 12:09 am and is filed under family, Travels. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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