Una merenda canadese

January 26, 2014 // Posted in food, friends  

Alessandro, Lorenzo, Viola e Alice

Oggi abbiamo trascorso un pomeriggio davvero speciale a casa di Silvia e Michele. Come circa tre anni fa (vedi qui) ci hanno infatti invitato da loro (assieme ai Pesi) per gustare una squisita merenda canadese a base di waffle, farciti con ogni ben di Dio, dall’ineguagliabile sciroppo d’acero, alla marmellata di fichi, per non parlare di panna e nutella. C’erano poi ottimi biscotti, madeleines e una crostata. E l’allegria dei bimbi ha contagiato anche i genitori. Grazie davvero per la bellissima giornata. E complimenti a tutti i bimbi, e in particolare all’ultima arrivata, Lucia, splendida e silenziosissima.

Uno degli straordinari waffles di Michele e Silvia

Today in the afternoon we went at Silvia’s and Michele’s place for a delicious “canadian” breakfast. They prepared a bunch of sweet things, starting with their famous waffle, but also with great chocolate chips cookies (hand made). Moreover both Silvia and Luisa prepared something sweet (madeleines and a tart) and we really enjoyed such a lovely day. All the babies were very happy too, and again we have to thank both Silvia and Michele for their kindness.

This entry was posted on January 26, 2014 at 11:13 pm and is filed under food, friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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