Pesca tabacchiera

June 28, 2009 // Posted in food  

Pensavo che, dopo l’esperienza singaporese, difficilmente mi sarei stupito di fronte a un frutto insolito. Dopo i durian, i dragon fruits, i litches e cosi’ via, mi sentivo abbastanza preparato. Invece ieri Silvia mi ha stupito con delle pesche stranissime, dette “tabacchiere”. Sembra che non le abbiano inventate apposta per noi e che qualcun’altro gia’ le conoscesesse; resta il fatto che questa pesca, proveniente dalle pendici dell’Etna, e’ straordinaria non solo per la forma schiacciata, ma soprattutto per la sua bonta’ (e per il nocciolo minuscolo). Le abbiamo trovate al mercato in Piazza Petrarca. Se vi capita di vederle, provatele. Sono davvero squisite, parola di sacchibelli.

After durian, dragon fruits and litches tried during my period at Singapore, I was considering me as a big expert in “strange” fruits. But yesterday, when I have seen at home some strange “peaches”, I was surprised a lot. They are called “pesche tabacchiere”, no idea about the english translation. Someone in the world already knew them, but they were new to me and Silvia. The shape is very peculiar, but the most interesting characteristic is that they are extraordinarily good. If you have the opportunity to try them, do it!!!!!

This entry was posted on June 28, 2009 at 6:21 pm and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Comments (2)

  • Magnamoto says:

    This peach is called "donuts peach" in the States. Have you ever seen them in California?!? Despite of its ugly shape, they are one of the sweetest and usually the most expensive peaches here. Ale likes a lot, so we often buy them.

  • enrico says:

    Hi Emiko,
    how are you? Thanks for the translation of "pesca tabacchiera" in "donuts peach".
    The shape is ugly but I agree with Ale, I like this kind of peaches a lot. To be honest I don't know if they are expensive or not. For sure, if donuts peaches you buy within silicon Valley comes from Etna volcano in Sicily, transportation costs may be not negligible.

    We hope to see you soon, and obviously we are very happy about the "little" magnamotto who is coming. Have you already decided a name?

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