Babbo Natale

December 24, 2013 // Posted in celebrations, friends, Lorenzo  

Babbo Natale, con Silvia, Lorenzo e Salvo

Questo e’ il secondo Natale che viviamo con Lorenzo, e se il primo e’ stato speciale, essendo il primo, questo e’ assai piu’ divertente perche’ Lorenzo e’ molto piu’ interattivo. E cosi’ abbiamo anche assistito, la sera della vigilia, all’arrivo di un Babbo Natale in carne e ossa. Lo stupore e la paura iniziale si sono presto trasformati in simpatica complicita’, e alla fine Lorenzo e’ stato conquistato da questo speciale Babbo Natale e da Salvo, nei panni del (bravissimo) fotografo. Grazie di cuore ragazzi per la bellissima sorpresa.

This is the second Crhistmas we live with little Lorenzo. The first one was special, being the first one, but this time Lorenzo is more interactive and funny. So we also assisted to the visit of Santa Clauss, who came, in the evening of December the 24th, bringing great gifts to Lorenzo. At the begininnig he was a bit worried, but at the end Lorenzo was very happy with both Santa Clauss and her brother Salvo. Thanks also for the lovely pictures.

This entry was posted on December 24, 2013 at 10:30 pm and is filed under celebrations, friends, Lorenzo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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