Orchidea persistente

March 14, 2011 // Posted in flowers  

L'orchidea persistente

Cinque mesi fa Silvia veniva operata e, per salutare il suo rientro a casa, avevo comprato una bella orchidea. Non e’ che fosse un pezzo pregiatissimo (era in offerta all’Esselunga di Broni), ma mi aveva colpito il colore. Ecco, questa orchidea ci ha accompagnato in tutti questi mesi, a volte non facili, ma progressivamente sempre piu’ sereni, con i suoi bellissimi fiori. E ancora oggi, dopo cinque mesi, i suoi fiori allietano la nostra casa e ci trasmettono davvero un messaggio positivo. Non credo sia normale che un’orchidea fiorisca per cosi’ tanto tempo, alle nostre latitudini. Ma ne siamo davvero felici, e anche un po’ orgogliosi.

Five months ago Silvia was at the hospital for a surgery. To celebrate her return to home I bought an orchid. Although it was very nice, in particular because its peculiar color, this orchid was quite cheap and nothing special (I bought it at “Esselunga” di Broni). Its flowers accompanied us during these five months, not easy, but progressively characterized by a better feeling, and it is surprising to see that, after five months, these flowers are still with us. We don’t think that, at our latitudes, this is a normal behavior for an orchid, however we are quite happy about that…

This entry was posted on March 14, 2011 at 9:51 am and is filed under flowers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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