Alessandro (aka “il Pesu”) e’ un nostro caro amico che purtroppo, in questo periodo, non sta molto bene. Da qualche tempo soffre infatti di dolori muscolari ed e’ ora in ospedale nel tentativo, da parte dei medici, di capire le cause dei suoi malanni. Il morale non e’ ovviamente molto alto e tutti noi siamo un po’ preoccupati. Cosi’ Luisa, la mitica moglie, ha deciso di organizzare ieri un “aperitivo clandestino” a sorpresa, nei pressi della sua camera d’ospedale (dotata di assolata balconata, peraltro). L’idea e’ stata davvero bella e direi che siamo riusciti a distrarre un po’ il buon Alessandro. E stasera si replica… Con la speranza e l’augurio di poter organizzare presto aperitivi tutti insieme senza dover recarci ancora in ospedale…
Alessandro (aka “il Pesu”) is a dear friend (and colleague) of us. Unfortunately he is not feeling good in this period and so he has been hospitalized. Doctors are trying to understand why he is having muscolar pains. We are all worried, but we hope that everything will be fixed soon. Luisa, his wife, trying to cheer him up, decided to organize an underground aperitif in front of his hospital room. It was a great idea and it was nice to see Alessandro smiling and feeling a little bit better. And obviously we hope to see him soon out of the hospital, doing jogging or riding his Colnago road bike, as we used to see him in the past. Good luck Pesu, we are with you.
You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2011.
Aperitivo clandestino
July 2, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Una cena con Fede, Dede e Stefano
July 1, 2011 // Posted in flowers, friends | No Comments
Era da un po’ che qui dai Sacchibelli non si organizzava qualche cenetta con amici, cosi’ ieri sera abbiamo colmato la lacuna invitando Fede, Dede e Stefano. La serata e’ stata davvero piu’ che piacevole, siamo riusciti a non avvelenare i nostri ospiti e la semplicita’ di una sera trascorsa assieme parlando di tutto e sentendosi circondati da amici, e’ stato il regalo piu’ bello che Fede Dede e Stefano potessero farci. Grazie ancora per essere stati qui da noi (e grazie anche per la splendida orchidea).
We didn’t have any friend for a dinner here at our place since longtime. So yesterday we were very happy to invite Fede, Dede and Stefano. Fede and Dede are Silvia’s historic friends, and together with them and Stefano we shared a really nice evening. They survived to our dinner and we just spent the all evening talking and friendly discussing about many topics. We really enjoyed staying with them. Thanks again for coming, and thanks also for the lovely orchid you brought to us.
We didn’t have any friend for a dinner here at our place since longtime. So yesterday we were very happy to invite Fede, Dede and Stefano. Fede and Dede are Silvia’s historic friends, and together with them and Stefano we shared a really nice evening. They survived to our dinner and we just spent the all evening talking and friendly discussing about many topics. We really enjoyed staying with them. Thanks again for coming, and thanks also for the lovely orchid you brought to us.
Pizza francese
July 1, 2011 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Quest’anno, nel tentativo di non perdere del tutto il loro francese scolastico, i sacchibelli hanno deciso di iscriversi a un corso organizzato dal Centro Assistenza Studenti. E’ stata un’esperienza interessante oltre che utile, che ci ha permesso da un lato di migliorare il nostro francese, dall’altro ci ha fatto conoscere un gruppo di persone davvero interessante, con cui abbiamo condiviso l’esperienza. Caroline, la nostra professoressa, e’ stata davvero brava, e mercoledi’ scorso abbiamo celebrato la fine del corso con un’ottima pizza in compagnia.
This year we tried to improve our french. In fact we studied it at school, but we don’t use it too much, so the sensation was that we were loosing it. So, considering that to speak more languages is a good point, we tried the french course organized by Centro Assistenza Studenti. It really was a good and useful experiences. In fact we recovered something of our french, and, above all, we met madame Caroline, the teacher, and a great group of students. We enjoyed to share with them this experience, and last Wednesday we celebrated the end of the course with a good pizza together.
This year we tried to improve our french. In fact we studied it at school, but we don’t use it too much, so the sensation was that we were loosing it. So, considering that to speak more languages is a good point, we tried the french course organized by Centro Assistenza Studenti. It really was a good and useful experiences. In fact we recovered something of our french, and, above all, we met madame Caroline, the teacher, and a great group of students. We enjoyed to share with them this experience, and last Wednesday we celebrated the end of the course with a good pizza together.