Una merenda speciale

November 1, 2010 // Posted in friends  

Oggi, approfittando del lunedi’ di festa, siamo stati invitati da Michele e Silvia (e dal piccolo Alessandro) per una merenda a casa loro. Il pomeriggio e’ stato poi rallegrato dall’arrivo anche di Alessandro (Pesu) e Luisa e della piccola Alice. La presenza dei due piccolini, la cortesia e ospitalita’ dei padroni di casa, la prelibatezza dei waffles e di ogni altra leccornia che abbiamo gustato ha reso la giornata davvero speciale e particolarmente piacevole. Grazie di cuore.

Today it was an holiday Monday (All Saints day) and we were invited by Michele and Silvia (and by their little baby Alessandro) for a nice afternoon snack. There were also Alessandro (Pesu), Luisa and little Alice and it really was a great experience. Michele and Silvia were very kind with us, and they prepared some amazingly good waffles, we filled with everything (maple syrup, nutella, whipped cream, fruits and so on). Thanks for this lovely day, and obviously we hope to have all of you at our place to repeat this experiment.

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