
October 28, 2020 // Posted in Lorenzo  

Lorenzo in quarantena…

Purtroppo la pandemia di Covid-19 e’ ritornata, con la sua seconda ondata, anche qui in Italia. Si sapeva che ci sarebbe stata, ma si nutriva la speranza che fosse meno violenta. Cosi’ non e’, e inevitabilmente, chi direttamente, chi indirettamente, tutti ne verremo colpiti. Il primo della famiglia a finire in quarantena (fiduciaria) e’ stato il buon Lorenzo. Una sua maestra e’ infatti risultata positiva, purtroppo, e tutta la classe ora e’ a casa. Diciamo che per ora Lorenzo sembra non troppo sofferente per la situazione…

At the end it happened. With the sad increase of Covid-19 infections here in Italy, we have the first element of the family formally in quarantine. One of Lorenzo’s teacher is positive to Covid-19, and all the students have to stay at home for at least 10 days. We all hope that the infection will not be too much symptomatic for the teacher. In the meanwhile it seems that Lorenzo is looking great, having a lot of fun in the room where he is living now…

This entry was posted on October 28, 2020 at 12:16 am and is filed under Lorenzo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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