Weekend lavorativo

July 14, 2019 // Posted in Beatrice, DIY, Lorenzo  

Lorenzo e Bea all’opera con la spazzola

Questo fine settimana e’ stato dedicato ad alcuni lavori “manuali”, dal lavaggio dell’auto alla tinteggiatura della cantina. Per fortuna c’e’ stato l’ottimo contributo di Lorenzo e Beatrice che hanno aiutato parecchio…

Per quanto riguardo l’autolavaggio, qualche progresso in effetti c’e’ stato (vedi qui)

Lorenzo col rullo, in cantina

This weekend we had to work a lot, both cleaning the car and painting the cellar. Hopefully Lorenzo and Bea gave us a lot of help, and they had a lot of fun…

Beatrice col rullo, in cantina

This entry was posted on July 14, 2019 at 11:58 pm and is filed under Beatrice, DIY, Lorenzo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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