Torta marmorizzata

September 19, 2010 // Posted in food  

Su questo blog abbiamo piu’ volte mostrato foto di ottimi dolci, preparati per lo piu’ da Silvia, con al massimo un contributo di bassa manovalanza da parte della componente maschile di casa Sacchibelli. Questa torta marmorizzata invece, pur partendo da una ricetta di Silvia, e’ stata interamente preparata da Enrico. Certo, non e’ un dolce complicatissimo da preparare, ma spero venga apprezzato lo sforzo. E chi l’ha assaggiata mi pare fosse piuttosto soddisfatto.

As you know we posted here many cakes. They have been made by Silvia and usually they are delicious. However, the cake you see in the picture, has a peculiarity that makes it unique: it has been completely prepared by the sacchibelli male component (following a recipe provided by Silvia). And the result was good enough, according to the lucky people that tasted it.

This entry was posted on September 19, 2010 at 8:18 pm and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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