A volte ritornano

August 22, 2010 // Posted in animals  

Circa un anno fa (“Uno strano ospite”) avevamo avuto la simpatica visita di una mantide religiosa; evidentemente deve essersi trovata bene da noi e deve aver fatto buona pubblicita’ di casa Sacchibelli. Cosi’ ieri sera abbiamo avuto la gradita visita di un’altra mantide (un po’ piu’ piccola). La foto al buio non e’ stata agevole, ma alla fine siamo riusciti a immortarlarla in modo decoroso.

Roughly one year ago (“Uno strano ospite”) we discovered a mantis on the balcony of out apartment and it was quite cool to take a picture of it. Probably that mantis was excited of that experience and suggested to some other mantis to visit us. So yesterday Silvia found a little mantis on the balcony, and although it was dark, we were able to take a picture good enough

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