Pomeriggio con Giulia

April 25, 2017 // Posted in friends  

Giulia, Bea e Lorenzo

Oggi pomeriggio avrebbero dovuto convergere Martina e Giulia qui da noi, per giocare con Lorenzo. Martina però è stata bloccata a casa in punizione, così solo Giulia è arrivata. Mentre i grandi chiacchieravano e merendavano, i piccoli (compresa Beatrice) giocavano in modo più o meno tranquillo. Non so se le vicissitudini lavorative ci allontaneranno, temiamo di si, ma certo l’amicizia con Carmen e Giuseppe, è qualcosa a cui teniamo molto. E poi Lorenzo e Giulia sono irresistibili…

Today, in the afternoon, we were expecting both Martina and Giulia at our place. Unfortunately Martina didn’t join the group, because she didn’t behave well at home and she was forbidden to come by Damiano and Rossella. However we enjoyed the presence of Damiano, Giuseppe and Carmen, and while the kids had a lot of fun playing together (Lorenzo and Giulia were very kind and tolerated the noisy Beatrice to play with them). We still don’t know if the chaothic situation at the office will push Giuseppe (and the rest of the family) far away from there. Probably yes, but it will not be easy for us to loose their close friendship… Thanks for coming, and thanks for the nice afternoon spent together.

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