Sosta selvaggia

July 6, 2010 // Posted in cars  

Succede solo in Italia (e piu’specificatamente in via Bixio). Qui i vigili urbani non transitano quasi mai, e abbiamo gia’ documentato parecchi episodi di sosta selvaggia su marciapiedi e incroci… Ieri pero’, primo lunedi’ del mese, e’ giorno di pulizia di un lato della strada, e sorprendentemente i vigili urbani si manifestano, puntuali, e multano chi ha comunque parcheggiato lungo il lato della strada soggetto a pulizia. Sembra una buona notizia, senonche’ si dimenticano di multare chi invece ha parcheggiato sul marciapiede. Certo la ford fiesta scura nella foto non intralciava la pulizia della strada, ma di sicuro intralciava i pedoni. Evidentemente pero’ a Pavia e’ tollerato il parcheggio sui marciapiedi e la morale e’ che il primo lunedi’ del mese prossimo, per evitare la multa, tutti parcheggieranno sul marciapiede. W l’Italia.

Probably it happens only in Italy, and more specifically in via Bixio, in Pavia. Usually there are many cars parked on the sidewalk, thus causing troubles to pedestrians, but there is no any police guy that give them a parking ticket, mainly because police guys are probably too busy and don’t have time to come here. But yesterday it was scheduled a street cleaning and traffic police appeared thus giving parking tickets to all the cars parked on the left side of the street. Unfortunately they didn’t give any parking ticket to the ford fiesta parked on the sidewalk… thus confirming to me the sensation that in Italy it is allowed to park over there. I’m worried that next time, to avoid parking tickets during street cleaning, everyone will park on the sidewalk….

This entry was posted on July 6, 2010 at 3:32 pm and is filed under cars. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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