Festa di compleanno

January 28, 2017 // Posted in celebrations  

Giulia spegne le candeline

Qualche giorno fa, Giulia, una delle più care amiche di Lorenzo, oltre che figlia dei nostri cari amici Carmen e Giuseppe, ha compiuto i 5 anni. E oggi c’e’ stata una grande festa a casa sua, con molti compagni di scuola materna. E’ stato un bellissimo pomeriggio di festa, splendidamente organizzato da Carmen e Giuseppe. Grazie davvero, e tanti auguri ancora alla “non più piccola” Giulia.

La bellissima (e buonissima) torta ispirata a Dory

Few days ago it was the birthday of Giulia, a great friend and schoolmate of our Lorenzo. Moreover, we are good friends of Carmen and Giuseppe, their parents. So we were very happy for the invitation to Giulia’s celebration, today, at her place. Carmen and Giuseppe did a great job, everything was organized very well, and there were a lot of happy children. Lorenzo and Bea were very excited. Thanks a lot for the great afternoon. And happy birthday “little” Giulia.

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