Evoluzioni ciclistiche

May 26, 2014 // Posted in bike, Lorenzo  

Lorenzo seduto nel maxi seggiolino posteriore

Dopo i tanti giri in bici seduto sul seggiolino anteriore, montato ormai piu’ di un anno fa (vedi qui), oggi Lorenzo ha provato l’ebrezza del nuovo seggiolino posteriore. Il panorama e’ forse un po’ piu’ oscurato dalla schiena del papa’, ma la comodita’ e’ decisamente superiore; e la prima reazione entusiastica. E a breve arriveranno anche le prime foto di Lorenzo sulla sua “biciclina” rossa.

Lorenzo likes a lot to sit on his bike seat, but now his wait starts to be close to the maximum allowed for the frontal one. So today we installed the one on the back side. The “panorama” he can see is a bit limited by Enrico’s back, but the confort is impressed. And, as a first impression, Lorenzo loves a lot to sit there.

This entry was posted on May 26, 2014 at 12:29 am and is filed under bike, Lorenzo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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