Golden Gate

November 24, 2007 // Posted in bike, friends, Travels  

Oggi, approfittando della vacanza, sono andato a fare un giro in bici da San Francisco a Sausalito, col mio amico e collega (e quasi coinquilino) Luns. Il trasferimento da Santa Clara a San Francisco e’ stato facile, grazie al mitico Caltrain.

Dopo una sosta a Fisherman’s Wharf per un improbabile pranzo (crab sandwich…), il pezzo forte della giornata e’ stato l’attraversamento del Golden Gate. Complice una giornata straordinariamente nitida e luminosa, il ponte appariva in tutto il suo splendore.

Ecco infine due foto che testimoniano il fatto che l’abbiamo attraversato in bici. Dapprima il sottoscritto:

e quindi Luns, in questa suggestiva inquadratura:

Today, being holiday, I rode my bike from San Francisco to Sausalito, with my friend, colleague and “almost” roomate Luns.
To reach San Francisco from Santa Clara was easy enough, thanks to the Caltrain.
After a stop at Fisherman’s Wharf for a strange lunch (crab sandwich), the most exciting moment was to ride over the Golden Gate bridge. Today it was a beautiful sunny day, and, as you can see, the Golden Gate appeared in glory.
The two pictures, the one with me, and the other one with Luns, demonstrate that we effectively rode over the bridge 🙂

This entry was posted on November 24, 2007 at 6:56 am and is filed under bike, friends, Travels. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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