
November 21, 2007 // Posted in Travels  

Qui, specie nei week-end, e’ possibile vedere, agli incroci piu’ importanti, persone che, in modo folcloriscono, reggono cartelli con indicazioni pubblicitarie relative a qualche vendita o simili.
La cosa e’ abbastanza bizzarra (per quale ragione occorre che una persona regga il cartello?), e comunque fa un po’ tristezza che, per campare, uno debba passare ore e ore con questi cartelli, in mezzo al traffico.

Here, mainly during the week-ends, you can see, at the main cross-roads, funny people with strange cartels that try to capture your attention; it is a kind of advertising. This seems a little bit strange to me; moreover, it is also sad that someone, to earn few dollars, has to spend many hours doing this strange activity

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