Pigiama party

November 4, 2018 // Posted in family, food  

Si gioca coi palloncini…

Sabato sera, approfittando di queste giornate di ponte, abbiamo invitato cugina Francy, con zia Lulu’ e zio Paolo, per un pigiama party, con cena a base di risotto con bonarda e salsiccia, almeno per i grandi. Serata di caos e allegria, bella e piacevole. Da ripetere piu’ spesso.

Il risotto con bonarda e salsiccia

La cena dei piccoli…

Saturday night we invited “cugina Francy”, together with “zia Lulu'” and “zio Paolo” for a pigiama party. In the meanwhile the parents had a good dinner with a “Risotto with bonarda and salsiccia”. A good mix of good food and happyness… A good experiment, to be repeated more often.

This entry was posted on November 4, 2018 at 12:16 am and is filed under family, food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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