L’amico ritrovato

September 19, 2010 // Posted in animals  

Come forse vi ricordate, qui a casa sacchibelli e’ capitata spesso a trovarci la nostra amica mantide. L’abbiamo fotografata qui, qui e qui. Cosi’ quando abbiamo visto planare questa simpatica cavalletta sui nostri ciclamini, e’ venuto spontaneo pensare che abbia saputo dalla nostra amica mantide che qui poteva trovare un approdo sicuro. E cosi’ e’ stato.

As you know there is a mantis that usually stops at our place to relax a little bit. We posted its pictures here, here and here. So, when we have seen this nice grasshopper staying on our new cyclamens, we realized that maybr it was following a suggestion from our friend mantis. And probably it was also try to send us greetings from the mantis, but we don’t understand its language

This entry was posted on September 19, 2010 at 7:50 pm and is filed under animals. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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