Ecco tutta la contafamily, piu’ Michele, Valeria, i bimbi e la compomnente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli
Lunedi’ scorso, passeggiando per il centro con i bimbi alla ricerca di un buon gelato serale ci siamo imbattuti in Matteo e Valentina… La cosa e’ stata piuttosto sorprendente, visto che ormai vivono negli States da oltre vent’anni. Invece erano in transito per Pavia, con i loro fantastici bimbi… E’ sembrato di tornare indietro nel tempo… E ovviamente ne abbiamo approfittato per scattare una foto insieme.
Last Monday we went out for an ice cream together with Lorenzo and Beatrice. The idea was to meet Luca and Chiara, with Anna and Marta, but it was funny to meet also Matteo and Valentina (the famous
contafamly), together with Gio’, Nik and Paolo. The funny think is that they live in Orange County, and it is more than 20 years that we don’t have the possibility to meet them, because they moved. However they are stopping here for a while, and we were lucky enough to meet them. Thanks!!!!
This entry was posted on July 9, 2017 at 11:26 pm and is filed under friends.
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