home made pizza

October 23, 2016 // Posted in food  

La pizza fatta in casa

La pizza fatta in casa

Questo weekend autunnale e’ stato vissuto molto in casa. Cosi’ sabato sera, anziche’ prendere la pizza da asporto, come spesso capita, ci siamo gustati l’ottima pizza preparata da Silvia nel forno di casa. Forno elettrico e pizza “spessa”, ma il risultato e’ stato piu’ che ottimo. La ricetta e’ probabilmente irripetibile (un mix di varie ricette), ma noi speriamo che Silvia se la ricordi 😉

This weekend we spent a lot of time at home, due to bad weather. So, yesterday, we decide to eat pizza, but we were lucky enough because Silvia prepared a special home made pizza for all or us. It was a thck pizza, made in an electric owen, but it was better than the usual pizza we grab from the “pizzeria” close to our apartmnet. Thanks!!!

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