Chi controlla il controllore?

December 7, 2015 // Posted in environment  

Il rumoroso “oggetto”

Come forse molti di voi sanno, abitiamo in una zona tranquilla della citta’, in una periferia non cosi’ lontana dal centro. La zona e’ prettamente residenziale, e l’unico “ufficio”, peraltro confinante col nostro condominio, e’ l’Arpa, un ente regionale che si occupa della prevenzione e della protezione dell’ambiente. Tra gli svariati compiti svolti da questo ente, non ultimo viene il controllo dell’inquinamento acustico (vedi qui). La cosa buffa (si fa per dire) e’ che da qualche giorno, proprio l’Arpa, si e’ dotata di un enorme e appariscente macchinario che, presumibilmente, ha compiti di regolazione termica. Non e’ chiaro se sostituisca la caldaia o se invece si occupi do condizionare certi ambienti. Ma la cosa chiara e’ che, fa un runmore assurdo, continuativo di notte e decisamente sgradevole. Certo, ora con le finestre chiuse il fastidio e’ minimo, ma quest’estate… Ora ci tocchera’ scendere agli uffici dell’Arpa e chiedere che misurino l’inquinamento acustico da essi stessi provocato….

As probably some of you already knows, we live in relatively quiet zone of a relatively quite town. We can reach the center by walking in 20 minutes, or by bije in 5 minutes, and we enjoy such a position, far enough from caohtic traffic and noisy zone. All around us you can find small condos, with some decent green area. The only not residential building is the one close to us, where “Arpa” (a regional institution that should control and check environment pollution) is based. Among the pollution it shiuld control, there is the acoustic one too. Sadly, since few days, a new heating system has been installed, just close to our windows. Sadly, this heating system is very noisy, and it works also all night long (while people works inside that building only since 8am through 5pm. What can we do? Should we go to the “Arpa” asking them to “measure” the noiae pollution they are producing?

This entry was posted on December 7, 2015 at 10:43 pm and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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