Una cena da Fabio

September 9, 2015 // Posted in friends, home  

Tutti a tavola

Una sera capita di essere invitati a cena da Fabio. Di solito coi bimbi piccoli e’ sempre un po’ un caos, ma stavolta rischiamo, e tutto fila liscio. Bea tranquilla, Lorenzo “gestibile” ottima compagnia e pietanze succulente: ottime le tagliatelle ai funghi, come pure l’arrosto con le patate. Grazie!!!!

Usually, when we are invited for a dinner, it is not easy to manage it with two little babies. But tonight we risked a bit, and we went at Fabio’s place for a great dinner. At the end, the babies were good enough, and we had the chance to spend a nice evening together with true friends, and eating great food. Thanks Fabio!!!!

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