October 26, 2014 // Posted in cars
A while ago we went to the self car wash, with Lorenzo and Silvia inside the car, and Enrico whasing it. Lorenzo protested a lot, because he wanted to help me, and today we tried to wash the car with Lorenzo as active element. It was really funny, and at the end, the car was clean enough, and the baby very happy.
This entry was posted on October 26, 2014 at 12:18 am and is filed under cars. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Comments (3)
[…] piccolo questa sua passione implicava un significativo sforzo per fargli lavare la macchina (vedi qui), ora e’ quasi indipendente, e oggi mi e’ stato effettivamente di grande aiuto. Piccoli […]
[…] capita, ci si reca all’autolavaggio self-service, e ci si diverte con gli spruzzi (vedi qui). Ieri, a grande richiesta, ci siamo invece concessi un autolavaggio coi rulli. E il bello e’ […]
[…] Per quanto riguardo l’autolavaggio, qualche progresso in effetti c’e’ stato (vedi qui) […]