
October 26, 2014 // Posted in cars  

Enrico e Lorenzo puliscono l’auto

Gia’ una volta eravamo stati all’autolavaggio, con Lorenzo e Silvia chiusi in auto, e Enrico che si dedicava al lavaggio. Lorenzo aveva protestato cosi’ tanto che oggi, anche per premiarlo per essere un bravo bimbo, abbiamo ripetuto l’esperimento, ma stavolta Lorenzo ha partecipato attivamente al lavaggio. Con grande entusiasmo e soddisfazione.

A while ago we went to the self car wash, with Lorenzo and Silvia inside the car, and Enrico whasing it. Lorenzo protested a lot, because he wanted to help me, and today we tried to wash the car with Lorenzo as active element. It was really funny, and at the end, the car was clean enough, and the baby very happy.

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