Un’allegra tavolata

May 25, 2014 // Posted in friends  

Ecco la tavolata

Era da un po’ che non ci si vedeva tutti assieme, cosi’ la rimpatriata di stasera all’oratorio, con un po’ di vecchi amici, e con tantissimi bimbi scatenati, e’ stata davvero piacevole. E anche se Lorenzo era di gran lunga il piu’ piccolo, si e’ divertito un sacco. Un grazie a tutti, con la speranza di rivederci comunque presto.

we didn’t meet Angelo and Anna, Andrea & Chicca, Jhonny and Isa since a while. So it was nice to accept Marco’s and Francy’s invitation to join them for a pizza all togehter, and with a lot of babies. Unfortunately Anna was missing because of Riccardo sickness, but the event was quite nice. Thanks a lot, and obviously we hope to see all of you soon again.

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