Da Teo e Vassy

April 4, 2014 // Posted in food, friends  

Eccoci schierati intorno al tavolo (con in evidenza qualche gioco di Lorenzo)

Martedi’ scorso i nostri amici Teo e Vassy ci hanno invitato a cena a casa loro, e qui abbiamo anche incontrato Riccardo, riformando quindi la stessa squadra che gia’ abbiamo descritto in un precednte post. Con qualche piccola differenza: in primis, Vassy e’ ora in dolce attesa, e in secundis Lorenzo e’ rimasto sveglio (e bravo) tutta la sera, comparendo cosi’ nella foto di gruppo. Che dire, grazie a tutti per la bellissima serata, e per la squisita cena.

Last Tuesday our friends Matteo and Vassy invited us at their place for a dinner. Here we met Riccardo too, so at the end the team was exactly the same we described here, with few differences: Lorenzo was not sleeping when we took the photos (by the way, he behaved as a good boy, eating with us and being very kind and funny), and Vassy is pregnant now. We spent a very nice evening together, and the dinner was great. Thanks a lot to our guests!!!

This entry was posted on April 4, 2014 at 12:30 am and is filed under food, friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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