La leggenda del pettirosso

January 6, 2009 // Posted in animals, weather  

Si narra che quando si vede un pettirosso in città, allora da li’ a poco comincerà a nevicare. Pur non credendo troppo in queste leggende popolari devo ammettere che anche quest’anno il piccolo volatile ci ha azzeccato. Lo abbiamo avvistato due giorni fa che saltellava sul nostro balcone, e stamattina ci siamo svegliati con circa 15cm di neve (e previsioni nevose fino a mercoledi’ sera…).
Che dire, ci gustiamo quest’ultimo giorno di festa avvolti in questo paesaggio magico e immacolato, immaginando l’invidia dei nostri amici californiani sempre immersi in un clima banalmente mite e ripetitivo… E abbiamo colto l’occasione per qualche scatto suggestivo, riuscendo anche a fotografare il pettirosso profeta di questa nevicata…

A popular legend tells that when you see a robin flying within the city, it announces snow. I don’t trust too much on this kind of legends, but two days ago we have seen a robin jiging about and this morning we woke up with at least 6 inches of snow (and forecasts tell that we should have snow until tomorrow night….).
So today, the last day before to start again to work, we enjoy walking around, excited because of the wonderful and impressive scenery we see. Everything is white and, although it is a little bit cold, we believe that our Californian friends are probably annoyed because of the mild weather they are experiencing every day during the year, and they too would like to experience the fun of a day within the snow. Here we have some pictures and we found also the prophet robin

This entry was posted on January 6, 2009 at 3:05 pm and is filed under animals, weather. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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