
November 17, 2008 // Posted in food  

Come detto nel precedente post, l’autunno qui, benche’ umido, e’ piuttosto mite. Tuttavia, giorno dopo giorno, la temperatura, specie di mattina e di sera, scende. I nostri amici californiani godono invece del loro clima mite, e, specie a Orange County, il vento di Sant’Ana riscalda (anche troppo).
Con l’avvicinarsi dell’inverno padano un buon modo per riscaldarsi e’ quello di prepararsi l’ottima cioccolata con panna. Cosi’, avendo a disposizione del prelibato cacao (proveniente da Berkeley), del latte fresco e dell’ottima panna, ecco che in pochi minuti si puo’ preparare qualcosa di veramente delizioso (ma un po’ calorico…).

As we already highlighted, this fall, here at Pavia, is quite mild, although wet. However, day after day, the temperature is getting lower and lower, in particular during the morning and the evening. So, while our californian friends enjoy about their wonderful weather, we need some solution to face off the coming winter. One of this is for sure the lovely “cioccolata con panna” we prepared starting from a famous cocoa (from Berkeley), fresh milk and fresh cream. The only drawback is that, probably, it is not so dietetic, but who cares?

This entry was posted on November 17, 2008 at 10:47 pm and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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