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January 5, 2013 // Posted in bike  

Col piccolo Lorenzo, pronto a partire

Come molti di voi sanno, una componente maschile di casa sacchibelli (quella piu’ vecchia…) ama pedalare con la sua adorata bici da corsa comprata molti anni fa al mitico Missing Link di Berkeley. L’arrivo del piccolo Lorenzo ha ovviamente cambiato un po’ le priorita’, oltreche’ riempirci di gioia. Cosi’ era da un po’ di mesi che la bici oziava, un po’ triste, in garage. Oggi, approfittando di una splendida giornata di sole quasi primaverile, spronato da Silvia e da Lorenzo stesso, la gloriosa Bianchi si e’ rimessa in moto. Un giro breve, ma sufficiente per far provare sensazioni davvero belle.

L’ombra che pedala…

As many of you probably already knows, a male component (the oldest one) of Sacchibelli’s family loves to ride his Bianchi road bike (bought 12 years ago at Missing Link). With the arrival of little Lorenzo priorities changed, so the bike was staying for some months in the garage but today, thanks to a great sunny day and to the encouragement of Silvia and Lorenzo, I took it and I rode few miles (roughly 20). It was really exciting, and hopefully in the future I will ride again, together with Silvia and Lorenzo too.

This entry was posted on January 5, 2013 at 5:06 pm and is filed under bike. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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