Primi freddi

October 28, 2012 // Posted in Lorenzo, weather  

Lorenzo tutto imbacuccato

Ebbene si’, il mite autunno che fino allo scorso venerdi’ ci ha accompagnato, sembra cominciare a cedere il passo a un clima piu’ rigido e freddo. Le prime nevi sono scese sulle montagne, anche basse, e qui in pianura un vento freddo non fa alzare la temperatura oltre i 10 gradi. E cosi’, anche il piccolo Lorenzo, per uscire, deve imbacuccarsi tutto. Ma sembra piuttosto felice…

At the end, the warm Fall season seems to be finished, and now weather is starting to become colder and colder. So, to go out, also little Lorenzo needs to be wraped out. But he looks quite happy…

This entry was posted on October 28, 2012 at 7:53 pm and is filed under Lorenzo, weather. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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