Come l’anno scorso (vedi qui), anche quest’anno gli ottimi Dana, Nico e Leo ci hanno invitato a casa loro per una grigliata a dir poco stratosferica. La combricola coinvolta era quella dell’anno scorso, piu’ una new entry. E il piccolo Lorenzo, pur non potento partecipare attivamente, ha presenziato cosi’ al suo primo barbecue. Che dire, passare una giornata insieme a cari amici in allegria e’ davvero qualcosa di speciale. Grazie davvero sia per gli ottimi piatti che per la speciale amicizia che ci lega a tutti voi.
One year after the great barbecue we had at Dana and Nico’s place (see here), we were invited again at their place for another amazing barbecue. The friends involved were the same (Fernando and Tinella’s family) but this year we had the new entry of little Lorenzo. Thanks a lot for your kindness. To spend a day together with true friends is the best gift we can receive. And if you add that the food was amazing, you can conclude that it will not be so easy to forget such a lovely day.
La prima grigliata
June 24, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo
This entry was posted on June 24, 2012 at 5:53 pm and is filed under friends, Lorenzo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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[…] l’ultimo gelato, in compagnia di Dana, Nico e Fernando, i compagni di tante avventure (vedi qui, qui, qui, qui e qui). Yesterday we had at our place, after dinner, for a “gelato”, […]