L’unione fa la forza

June 21, 2012 // Posted in animals  

Le formiche e il coleottero

Ieri, uscendo sul balcone, abbiamo notato uno strano assembramento di formiche. A una piu’ attenta ispezione ci siamo accorti che in realta’ stavano banchettando alle spese di un gigantesco coleottero. Non sappiamo come siano andate le cose (e’ bello immaginare un combattimento tra il coleottero e le formiche), ma di sicuro era impressionante notare come le formiche, super organizzate, riuscissero a spostare il cadavere del coleottero, infinite volte piu’ grande di loro.

Yesterday morning we noted on our balcony a big number of ants. Better focusing on the subject, we realized that they were having breakfast eating a huge beetle. It was amazing to note how they were working together, being able to move the body of the beetle, although its size was order of magnitude bigger

This entry was posted on June 21, 2012 at 9:55 pm and is filed under animals. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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