Oggi siamo stati invitati a casa di Dana e Nico per un barbecue. Assieme a noi c’erano anche gli ottimi Carlo e Susana, e Fernando. I piccoli Leo, Marina e Sofia hanno contribuito all’allegria della giornata, che e’ stata caratterizzata da un pranzo davvero magnifico. A partire dalle ottime insalate preparate da Dana (di cereali e di patate), e proseguendo per un numero smisurato di arrosticini abruzzesi, davvero eccezionali. La grigliata e’ stata completata da salamelle e braciole e a renderla ancora piu’ notevole, l’ottimo Moltepulciano d’Abruzzo di Fernando. Per finire il pranzo colossale, due torte, una preparata da Susana e una dai sacchibelli. Che dire: grazie davvero per una domenica davvero speciale.
Today we had a great barbecue at Nico’s and Dana’s place. They invited also Carlo and Susana, and Fernando. We enjoyed to stay with them, and the day was particularly happy also because of Leo, Marina and Sofia. We ate a lot, starting from the salads prepared by Dana and continuing with the “arrosticini”, sausages and chops that were incredibly great. Nico and Fernando cooked them very well. At the end we had also two cakes, one prepared by Susana and the other made in sacchibelli. If you add also the great wine we drank, you can easily understand how great was this barbecue. Thanks Nico and Dana for sharing with us your house. The day we spent together has been really lovely.
Un grande barbecue
June 12, 2011 // Posted in food, friends
This entry was posted on June 12, 2011 at 11:14 pm and is filed under food, friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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[…] brigata, col piccolo Lorenzo sullo sfondoCome l’anno scorso (vedi qui), anche quest’anno gli ottimi Dana, Nico e Leo ci hanno invitato a casa loro per una […]