Una visita (quasi) a sorpresa

December 30, 2010 // Posted in friends  

Silvia, Enrico, Cesare, Maria e la piccola Emma in braccio a Maria

Cesare e Maria, con la piccola Emma, sono due cari amici che si sono trasferiti da qualche tempo in Svizzera. Abbiamo sempre in programma di andare a trovarli ma per tanti motivi, finora, non siamo riusciti a concretizzare questi nostri propositi. Cosi’ ieri, approfittando del loro passaggio in Italia per le vacanze di Natale, hanno avuto l’ottima idea di venirci a trovare. E’ stata poco piu’ di una toccata e fuga, ma abbiamo davvero apprezzato. Grazie davvero e rinnoviamo la promessa di venirvi a trovare quanto prima a Neuchatel. Buon Anno a tutti e tre.

Cesare and Maria, with their lovely Emma, are two true friends that moved to Switzerland a while ago. We always have in mind to visit them but this year we didn’t find nor time nor energy to put this idea into action. So yesterday they decided to visit us, and we were very happy about that. They are spending few days in Italy for Christmas vacation, and although we spent only a short time together, we really appreciated their kindness. Thanks a lot Cesare Maria and Emma, and we will do our best to meet you soon in Neuchatel next year. And considering that next year will start in less than 2 days, we could meet you quite soon. Thanks again and have an Happy New Year!!!

This entry was posted on December 30, 2010 at 5:30 pm and is filed under friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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